Baby Size: Sweet Potato
How I Feel about being Pregnant: It is fun to actually be showing plus I have felt quite a bit of flutters! I have had some unfortunate symptoms this week, but as time goes by things feel more real which is always great! At some point I will actually post a bump picture.
Symptoms: I shouldn't have gushed last week about being symptom free... My nausea returned with a vengeance. I also got a nose bleed yesterday which I know is normal because of the extra blood you accumulate.
Food Cravings: Nothing I can really think of!
Food Aversions: I can't think of anything for this either!
What I am Excited About: Finding out if we are having a boy or girl!!!! Yep, I definitely can't wait. When you go over your fellow pregnant friend's house and she shows you all the cute pink outfits she got at her shower, there is no going back. I want cute pink outfits! Or blue! We can find out in 10 days.
Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me: My sweet husband... how about when I had an emotional breakdown about feeling sick and I crawled into bed with toast, got crumbs all over our newly washed sheets, and he didn't complain. Or when I snapped at him twice yesterday for not listening to me and asking a question and he just asked if there was anything bothering me... I imagine I have been hard to deal with this week! I am sorry husband! You are the best, and I am a crazy, hormonal, pregnant lady. Why do we rarely fight? Because he is awesome and forgiving.
Boy or Girl: Oh, I don't know!!!!! Maybe I am just trying to cover my bases so when we find out, I look like I was right either way :) David had another dream it was a girl. This week I will go with girl!
Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Start cleaning the guest room!!!! Yay! Nesting has begun!
Side note: Sometimes I wonder if nesting is a real thing or just a made up concept by society, but either way it is kind of fun and motivates me to clean.
Funny Moment: The kids I watch were asking to see a picture of my baby. I explained that in a week and half I would have a picture, but it would be an ultrasound, not a real picture like what you take with a camera. They looked confused, so I said it would be a black and white picture. The 4 year old responded, "So will your baby be black or white?"
It was awesome.
Special Moment: Feeling the baby move is very fun! It really does feel like a butterfly is in your stomach. I can't wait until David can feel it!