Monday, December 22, 2014

Baby Boy: 36 weeks

We are nearing the end! If I had this baby the same timing as Gwen, tomorrow would be the day. Luckily, it probably won't happen! I am interested to see what the last month of pregnancy brings since I didn't experience it last time. I can guess it doesn't bring too many pleasant things, but I am greatly looking forward to a baby who has had more time to grow and develop before entering the world. 

How I am Feeling: Large. Just large. My heartburn has subsided thanks to Zantac. I am really tired all the time still, but again, nothing to complain about because it all could be worse! I finally started feeling some Braxton Hicks contractions this past week. Last time I think I felt them much earlier. I am also very excited that my ankles are barely swollen. With Gwen, my ankles were ginormous from 34 weeks and on. 

Food Cravings/Aversions: No new aversions. For cravings, I really wanted raspberry tea over the weekend. I bought some, drank some, then remembered, "Aren't there certain teas you aren't 'supposed' to drink?" I look it up and apparently raspberry tea is one of them. I also don't abide by basically any of the pregnancy "rules" and I am almost to the end. At this point I am not going to stop eating lunch meat and soft cheeses.

What I am Excited About: Naming a baby :) Talking about baby names is one of my favorite topics. I think we may have finalized a name. We have had two for a long time that we liked equally, but after talking through them, I think we have made a decision. 

The other name we still really like, but realized we like it better for if we have another boy down the road. In other words, I am not going to even tell people the other name because it could very likely be used for a future child. Also, the name we are not choosing is a bit riskier and unique name so that gives us more time to see if we really like it before we permanently scar our child for life.

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me:  It was a tough week. Gwen was super sick and it took a toll on everything. She wasn't eating, sleeping, or drinking anything which was physically and emotionally draining. I am tired non-stop anyways so add a sleepless toddler and I was dying.  One night she was up crying every 15 minutes for 3 hours. David ended up sleeping with her on the couch while I closed the door to our room and slept all night. He is amazing!

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: I PACKED A HOSPITAL BAG! Last time since I was unexpectedly induced from my 36 appointment, I didn't have a chance to pack one. To top it all off we were in the hospital for so long I really did need stuff. It is a very incomplete bag since a lot of the essentials I use every day, but I at least have something. You better believe I am taking that thing to every appointment from here on out too. Just watch, this time I will go to like 42 weeks. Last time crazy early, this time crazy late. I am prepared for it all! I may have even printed off checklists for each of us so if David has to finish packing the bags he knows what to pack.

Gwen's Reactions: I talk about baby brother all the time and she says "bubble" in response, but that is all. I point to my stomach and say, "baby brother" and she then points to her stomach and says, "baby". Not quite... I can only imagine how this transition will go... She is very laid back in some areas and very high maintenance in others. I am mentally preparing for a few weeks of transition and adjustment. I don't expect this to go smoothly, so if it does I will just be pleasantly surprised and very thankful!

Appointment Update: Today was my 36 week appointment and everything looked great! I am measuring right on track. I am excited I get to go weekly now. Am I the only one who loves these appointments?

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 27
Friends who have due dates before mine: 1 (by 1 day!)
Signs of labor: 0
Weddings on/off: off
Current prediction for baby's arrival: January 14

Bump Picture: I don't even have a 36 week picture from last time to compare!  Here is my 36 week bump with Baby Shook #2!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cloth Diapering: 18 months later

6 months old and rocking her Charlie Banana

We started cloth diapering when Gwen was 2 months old!  We are still going strong!  We have moved on past breast milk poo, beginning solids, and now to the toddler phase!  Regardless of poop, we are saving tons of money and that's why we are doing this in the first place.  We quickly made back the original investment by the time she was one. I love it!

After doing this for almost a year and half, I definitely have preference and my go-to diapers for certain things. Cloth diapering is one of my favorite baby topics to talk about. I kind of love it.  Here are the pros and cons I have found with the different diapers we use on a regular basis:

BumGenius 4.0 Pocket Diaper

bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Cloth Diaper<BR>Grasshopper
This is one of my go-to out of the house diapers.  Since I bought these as a seconds sale on Cotton Babies, I got them for $11 a piece, but no inserts.  My favorite way to stuff them used to be either with a flour sack towel or Charlie Banana insert. Now, to use either of those two I have to use an additional insert or doubler since her pee quantity has gone up. It is easier now to just stuff them with a prefold.

Pros: There are two HUGE pros with this diaper. First, it is simple to teach others to use.  We use snaps so I tell someone, "Count 4 snaps from the left and snap. Count 4 snaps from the right and snap. Done." Second, I know this diaper will not leak and will contain poop when we are out and about.  Crucial! Who wants to clean poop off a baby's butt, thighs, back, clothes, etc. in general much less in the grocery store?

Other pros: cute colors, multiple stuffing options,

Cons: The only one I can think of is that it isn't the trimmest option. When you have double up inserts, it is going to be fluffy!

**I have no idea what the inserts are like for the diapers. This is strictly for the shell.

Charlie Banana One Size Pocket Diaper
Charlie banana Diapers

I got my only Charlie Banana diaper when Target carried them in stores.  The best part was I got it for 50% off!  I use the inserts that came with this diaper far more than I use the shell, but I will get into why below.  My friend uses these as her go-to, everyday diaper and loves them.  When I do use the shell, I have never had a problem and love the softness of the lining.

Pros: I can definitely see how this diaper would last until potty training.  For Gwen, the waist is still as tight as it goes without crossing the snap over.  Also, like I mentioned, the inserts are great and absorbent.

Cons: The part about this diaper I don't like is the thigh adjustment strap.  I am sure it is great and helps get a better fit, but I am intimidated by it.  I think I am going to put it on the wrong size setting then it will leak when I am out of the house.  That being said, I have never had this diaper leak.  I am just paranoid about it.  It looks like a bra strap found on the inside of the diaper. People who use these all the time would say it is no big deal, so don't let that deter you.

Imagine Prefolds

These are my everyday, all the time diaper. They still look as amazing as they did when I first bought them and Gwen is still in the size small. I use the unbleached cotton SmartFit kind. I simply trifold them and lay them in a Flip cover.

Pros: Affordable, easy to clean, natural fiber. Gwen is still in the size she was when she was 7 lbs. I have to size her up now so I can use the smalls on baby #2!

Cons: Gwen did start developing a rash from the wetness against her skin because unlike pocket diapers, there is no wicking layer between her skin and the absorbent piece. I simply went to JoAnn Fabric's, bought a half yard of micro-fleece, cut up liners, and the problem was resolved.

Flip One-Size Diaper Cover<BR>Clementine

These are the covers I use everyday. Just like the BumGenius 4.0s, I got them at a seconds sale. They were only $7 each! Normally, they are $15 each. For Black Friday, I was able to score some more that are the discontinued colors for $5 each! I love that these have double flaps, one in the front and one in the back, which helps hold the prefold in place.

Pros: You can wipe out the cover in between changes as long as no poop gets on it and reuse it once it is dry. They are affordable, easy to use, don't need very many covers (cost effective), and versatile.

Cons: Not the easiest for on the go

**Once again, I have never used the inserts designed to go in the Flip cover.

Other random things I have learned:

  1. Diaper sprayers make life 100x easier. We love the Bumkins brand and it has worked well for us on two different toilets. It is also cheaper than the BumGenius sprayer and has better reviews.
  2. RLR is your friend when your diapers are looking dingy or aren't smelling quite right even after washing.
  3. Make sure your water level matches the amount of diapers you are washing. I have heard it described as wanting it to be a stew, not soup. They need to agitate and rub against each other and not just float around. This was why mine weren't getting as clean.
  4. Kelly's Closet has a Facebook diaper support group that is phenomenal. They have helped me solve problems and give great recommendations. I think you can search for it as "Cloth Diaper Support Group".
  5. They are the easiest loads of laundry you do all week. There is no sorting, putting away in multiple bedrooms, hanging up on hangers, etc. I really don't even have to fold anything if I don't want to. It is the clothes laundry I can't keep up with. The diaper laundry is a breeze!

We will see how crazy things are when I have two in cloth. Right after baby #2 is born, I will take a break and have both kids in disposables until we have settled into our new normal. More to come on that later I am sure!