Monday, June 18, 2018

Baby Shook #3: 32/33 weeks

Baby Size: Pineapple

How I Feel about being Pregnant: 
Feeling pretty good about things! I'm not crazy uncomfortable (yet) though picking things off the ground is a challenge. 

I'm mostly wearing myself out mentally wondering when this baby will come. Since Gwen and Bennett were early I keep wondering if I have 3 weeks, 4 weeks, or up to 7 weeks! But, DANG, at most 7 weeks?! Insane. I am hoping for a VBAC, but also know I cannot be induced so if anything requires an induction such as IGUR like Gwen was, fetal distress like Bennett, or simply hitting 40 weeks will require c-section. I have peace about it so whatever happens is fine. It is 100% out of my hands so all I can hope for is to go into labor on my own.

Symptoms: Swollen feet and ankles and the same old skin issues. I sure hope all this skin stuff is pregnancy related. I'm ready to have normal looking legs and not like I got attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes.

Food Cravings: 
All the sugary candy, iced chai tea lattes, and its not a craving, but I just really want some red wine!

Food Aversions: 
Nothing I can think of!

What I am Excited About: 
My friend having her triplets! Our due dates were 2 days apart so its been fun being on the journey together. Also excited that all the stains on the newborn clothes came out! Sun is a wonderful thing... except when a bird poops on the clothes.

Sweet Thing My Husband did for Me: 
I was solo parenting all week so once he was home, he told me to leave and do whatever I wanted for the day! I thought I would get a lot done but I underestimated how tired my body was from being the one lifting and wrangling kids.

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: 
Got all the stains out of the newborn clothes and they are washed! Now to put them away. I also bought a pack of newborn diapers. A lot of the getting ready has looked like cleaning and getting projects done that are long overdue.

Funny Moment: I was at Kroger with friends when an employee said, "You look like you are ready to pop!" She then went on to give us a sales pitch about all the wipes and diapers on sale. Never had a Kroger employee so passionately promote a sale. 

Also, seriously people, JUST TELL ME I LOOK GOOD. Not ready to pop, not huge, not about to have a baby any day. If I get the nerve up, I might start saying "You do too!" or "I'm not pregnant." I don't have it in me to actually say something but give me a few weeks and maybe I will. I know this is the second post in a row I have been on my soap box, but I am amazed at the number of continual comments. I have never told someone they were huge!

Weekly Stats: 

-Days until Due Date: 49
-Days until My Prediction (July 25): 37
-Days until My Next Appointment: 7 days
-Week Number: 33 weeksNext Ultrasound: 36 weeks (she is on the smaller side so they want to keep an eye on her weight since Gwen was so small.

Bump Pic