Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chicken Pesto Stuffed Shells

So, my track record with Pinterest recipes is pretty bad.  Most of the time they just don't work out.

A couple weeks ago I was desperate for some new and unique recipe, so I resorted to Pinterest for inspiration.  I saw I had pinned a recipe for Chicken Pesto Shells and they just sounded amazing.  I went for it!  Fortunately, they even tasted great!  Most of the time when I cook it is unrewarding and I find dinner to taste just alright.  These were a big exception!  So yummy!

Here are my tips:

  • Slightly under cook the shells... stuffing is WAY easier.
  • Cook them covered in the oven to prevent drying out
  • Add some extra water in the bottom of the pan to prevent drying out (2T ish)
  • I used part parmesan cheese and part mozzarella 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 35

Baby Size: Coconut!

How I am Feeling:  Most of the time I feel like a beached whale.  Things like rolling over and standing up require way more energy than it should!  I still can't complain too much!  This is way better than the 1st trimester.  Any negative side effects are accompanied by the anticipation of meeting our new baby very soon so it all works out!

Since Friday, I have been having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions with some back pain mixed in.  Looks like I am at the point where my body is practicing and getting ready!  It is strange to think that we are getting close to the point when labor could happen at any point.  It could be 2 weeks, 4 weeks, or 6 weeks!

Food Cravings/Aversions: No aversions this week!  Cravings... you got it!  Chocolate!

What I am Excited About: Lots of things!  We have brainstormed more baby names.  Turns out we have some really awesome family names to choose from as well.

I am also finally getting somewhere with purging everything we don't need to get better organized before the baby comes.  It is starting to make me think that not having enough storage space is an alright problem to have.  We are keeping the things we need and are important to us while getting rid of anything that isn't.  Yay for organizing!

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me: He had made me breakfast, vacuumed, killed bugs, not said anything about my increased chocolate consumption, and helped me pick good first placements in Settlers of Catan.  He is great!  He encourages me, listens to me ramble, and always makes sure I am taken care of before himself.  I cannot wait to see how wonderful he is with this baby!

Also, for some reason I probably could walk miles before getting tired, but after I walk up one flight of steps, I am exhausted and can't breathe.  He will take extra trips up the stairs to make sure I don't even when it is inconvenient.  See... he is awesome.

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: I did not want a big, fancy bedding set for the nursery.  I was lacking cute bedding for the nursery (really we are lacking all bedding) and my mom was able to find a small, inexpensive set that I love!  It comes with a crib skirt, crib sheet, and quilt that we will hang on the wall or put on the day bed in the room.  I am excited!  I am also looking forward to making some more bunting to match!  I think this will be my project tomorrow.

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 30
Days until ultrasound: 4
Episodes of Arrested Development watched: 10... so far!
Strawberries picked out of my in-laws garden: 200+
Total number of cloth diapers: 2

Bump Picture: 
35 weeks 5 days

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Things you CAN say to a Pregnant Woman

Often are discussed the things you just don't say to someone who is expecting.  Luckily, most people have been super kind when making pregnancy comments to me.  Through being pregnant, I have learned the go-to compliments expecting mothers love to hear.

Here is a list of things that you CAN say:

  1. You are all belly!
  2. You are so tiny!
  3. You are due in ______?!?!  You don't look like you are far enough along for that!
  4. It looks like you stuck a basketball under your shirt!
  5. Come over for dinner! (Say this especially in the 1st trimester)
  6. Here, have my seat!
  7. You don't even look pregnant from behind!
  8. Your ankles look great and not swollen at all!
  9. I hope I look like you when I'm pregnant!
  10. Oh, let me do that for you while you go rest!
  11. You are going to be a wonderful mother!
  12. Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?
  13. I just love your baby bump!
  14. Happy Mother's Day! (This one made me giddy every time)
  15. You have the pregnancy glow!

All of the above are wonderful to hear, but my favorite thing anyone has said to me so far in pregnancy has had nothing to do with what I look like or offering help.  

The best was when a mom told me, "Welcome to motherhood.  It is amazing."

What I loved is that it focused on the joys of what a child brings and it also made me feel an overwhelming affinity with anyone else who is a mom.  I get to be a mom with them and share in how great it is!  I walked away feeling honored and that being a mom is a gift.

What did you love hearing when you were pregnant?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 34

Baby Size: Butternut squash... I know what that is!

How I am Feeling:  While my comfort level decreases every day, I still feel good!  I made it through the first round of dance recitals which did make me very tired, but I enjoyed them and only felt the effects of pregnancy after it was all over!  It is now a daily occurrence to see my ankles swollen.  I knew this was most likely inevitable since I am on my feet a lot, so I am excited to have made it this far before the cankles set in!

Food Cravings/Aversions: No aversions, but once again I am craving chocolate.  Good thing we have oatmeal chocolate chip cookies!

What I am Excited About: Getting our apartment organized!  With things winding down at the dance studio, I will have a lot more time to organize and clean.  Since getting married, I cannot stand clutter and I am sure my tolerance level for it will go down when I become perpetually sleep deprived or maybe I will chill out!  Regardless, I want to get rid of anything we don't need.

It is funny how marriage will change you.  10 months ago I always had a mountain of laundry on my floor, still had the dresses from middle school dances in my closet, and maybe vacuumed my bedroom floor once. Now I can't wait to have extra time to clean and bring order to this poor baby's nursery.

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me: We needed to move some heavy furniture around in our apartment.  I helped him initially, but with a large protruding stomach and a lack of strength overall, I was no help.  I had to work all day, so he invited a friend over to come lift everything so I did not have to.  It was so nice to come home to our apartment back in order and I did not have to do anything!

On Sunday, I made us a more "fancy" dinner.  By fancy, I mean it just required more effort than my usual dinners!  David wanted oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for dessert, but I was not up for it since I just spent so much time on dinner so he went ahead and made them himself!  I loved it!

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: The crib is officially set up!  My super awesome dad came over and set it up with David.  We won't even have the baby sleep in it right away, but I love how it looks in the room.  Now I just need to find some cute crib sheets!

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 36
Dance recitals that have taken place: 3
Dance recitals remaining: 2
Friends in labor: 0 :( I guess I got spoiled 2 weeks in a row!
Doctor appointments left: 4... unless I go past my due date

Bump Picture: 

34 weeks 6 days

Sunday, May 19, 2013

I Love my OB

Being pregnant in the world of the internet, documentaries, and media in general is hard.  You can find proof for any opinion.  One of my favorites was when I looked up some symptom and the possible causes were either hormones or HIV.  COME ON!  I could easily convince myself that I am in labor, have cancer, or am dying simply by conducting a couple Google searches.

The ironic part of my frequent searches is I go to the OB all the time.  Pretty soon I even start going weekly.  I could just wait to ask one of the doctors any questions or concerns that come up.  Why do I feel the need to Google search everything and read tons of opinions written by people who have the free speech to write anything?

Part of it is that this is my first pregnancy and I want to know that me and the baby are fine.

The other part I am realizing, which is much more the case, is that I choose to never trust doctors.  Unless they tell me what I want to hear, I blow them off and continue to search the internet.

Never before did I realize this until at my appointment yesterday.  Since two of my friends have had babies in the past two weeks, it brings up more questions and what kind of birth experience I want (like I have control over it).

The doctor who I saw started the practice.  He trained all the other doctors who are also there, is super easy going, and wears ties that have cartoon characters on them.  Awesome.

When I began my confusing, incessant rambling, he said, "You know, there is nothing wrong with an epidural.  Our philosophy of the practice is to support whatever you decide and will never try to coerce you to do anything you don't want to.  My best advice is to stay flexible and we will figure things out with you as you labor.  There are plenty of options for you and the baby, so we will make sure to choose the best route I promise."

This conversation pointed out a few things to me.

First, I believed that epidurals are the lesser out of other interventions.
My doctor took the time to explain how an epidural works, the myriad of options that come with an epidural, and addressed the concerns women bring up with them.  The truth I learned is that they are not bad.  Epidurals are actually safe for me and the baby.  He told me like anything there are certainly cons, but we tend to exploit the cons over the amazing benefits the epidural offers moms with minimal to no effect on the baby.  Are the cons worth talking to your doctor/midwife about? Definitely.  Are they worth making blanket statements about? No.

Second, I learned that midwives are not better than doctors and doctors are not better than midwives. 
Sometimes I feel the need to be defensive about going to an OB or I feel shame when people talk about why they chose a midwife.  In the end, they help bring your child into the world and that is awesome.  Hooray for anyone that chose to have a career that gets to be part of an amazing, life changing event.

Third, the practice I go to is trustworthy, supportive, and the right decision for us.
I feel heard, cared for, and encouraged when I leave.  The nurse and doctor today got excited with me over being in the home stretch of pregnancy.  The ultrasound technician smiled and complimented how cute our baby's face is at our last visit.  They do this every day, all day, yet still get excited with me.  I love it!

In the end, I am excited to believe that the doctors are on my side.  They want to see me and the baby do well.  They won't rush into a c-section or force an epidural into my back.  I would bet that anyone who is a trustworthy, good obstetrician initially chose to because they are passionate about pregnancy and bringing babies into the world.

Trust your doctor or midwife.  If you don't, find one that you do.  Regardless of all of this, there is not one right answer for who delivers your baby or what kind of birthing experience you want.  By the end, you get a beautiful new baby!  Yay for babies!!!!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 33

Baby Size: Durian.  Is that the best they could come up with?

How I am Feeling: Tired, but good!  The pregnancy exhaustion has set in!  During the first trimester, I was not very tired, but I think my body is making up for it now.  I still have mild heartburn, but it is nothing Tums can't fix.  I just keep a bottle in my purse and another on my night stand!

Weird Pregnancy Occurrence: On Monday, I was sitting outside watching the 3 two year olds.  I got up from my chair, walked across the yard, came back, and sat down.  The moment I sat down and crossed my legs, a robin flew up to me and landed on my knee.  No joke.  Since your arm could fall off and they would attribute it to pregnancy, I say attracting birds must be linked to the baby.  Something with hormones right?    

Food Cravings/Aversions:  Nothing too crazy on either end of the spectrum! 

What I am Excited About: That I am 6 weeks away from my due date!  Hearing this makes things feel way closer.  This is my last full week of work before things start slowing down a bit so I am looking forward to having a bit of extra time to organize and get everything ready to go.  I am also excited that Catie had her baby!  Eek!  She is adorable.  Picture posted below!

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me: For Mother's Day, he wrote me a sweet note and made sure I did not have to cook any meals!  He also brought me home four glittery cupcakes yesterday with a rose.  He knows me too well!  Nothing makes my day like unexpected yummy food.

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Lots of things!  We are almost to crunch time now.  My dad figured out how to put the crib together and painted it for us.  Thanks dad!  This weekend he is going to bring it over and set it up for us so that will be done.

I also sorted through more clothes that were given to us and have them in laundry bags ready to be washed whenever I get around to it.

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 42
Thank you cards left to write: 10
Times I have wet my pants from sneezing this week: 0! Success!
Friends that have had their babies: 2!  First, Jess and now Matt and Catie's baby was born today!!!!
Karis Sophia

Bump Picture: 
Technically 34 weeks, but we will say 33!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 32

Baby Size: Squash

How I am Feeling:  Overall, still good!  I had a couple days in a row of insomnia where I just could not sleep.  I was not uncomfortable in any way, but sleep just did not happen.  I definitely cannot sleep in anymore either.  Maybe this is sleep training for when a newborn is here!

I have noticed that my heart races at times.  A lot of times this happens after I eat.  I also feel much more weak and like I cannot do as much physically.  Hopefully this is all normal!  Anyone else have this heart racing issue?

How the Baby is Doing: Baby Schuchter is growing and kicking well!  At our ultrasound we were informed he/she is in the 20th percentile.  Doctors do not care about this too much as long as it stays between 10 and 90.  Since I was measuring 1 week behind at my 20 week ultrasound and now I am measuring 2 weeks behind, they want to do an additional ultrasound to make sure it is nothing more than a small baby.  Other than being tiny, baby is healthy!

Food Cravings/Aversions: The aversions come and go.  One day I ate some carrots that in hindsight were probably bad and it put me in a nauseous state for the whole day.  Cravings for the week have been fruit.  I can't get enough.  I went over my parents' house and almost finished off an entire bag of grapes.

What I am Excited About: Jess had her baby!!!!!!!  Baby Stella is now in the world and is doing great.  Once again, it is easy for me to forget that these babies will be here very soon. It makes me even more excited for our own baby to be here seeing my friend have a newborn.

When we got married and decided to try and have kids right away, my biggest fear was that I would feel alone.  Funny how all my good friends are pregnant and having babies at the same time.  I would feel more alone if I wasn't pregnant right along with them!

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me:  My mom told me about a free breast feeding class that Babies R Us was doing.  I called to sign up and they explained that I could bring anyone I wanted with me.  The lady on the phone assured me that husbands come to this kind of this.

We show up and it is all women.  Poor David sat through the whole thing and even endured the boob puppets that were used.  Believe it or not, it was not as cheesy as it sounds!  He was great about it and paid attention the whole time.  Best husband award!

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby:  I started cleaning out the nursery!  A few hours on Saturday have made a big difference.  Now I feel more motivated to keep working on the room since I can see the progress I have made.  Unfortunately this week and next week are probably my two most busy weeks out of the year, so it may be on hold for a little bit!

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 49
Weddings to attend before due date: 3
Ultrasounds left: 1... we get another one at 36 weeks
Baby's weight: 3 lbs. 8 oz (tiny baby)
Baby's position: head is down, but facing out a.k.a. sunny side up
Baby showers left: 1
Friends who had their baby: 1!!!! Yay!!!
Stella Michelle

Bump Picture: 
32 weeks 6 days