Monday, March 31, 2014

Gwyneth Eden: 10 months

Gwen is 10 months!  SHE IS SO BIG!  Actually, I know a 3 month old that weighs more than she does, but still, she has come a long way!  This month has been a great month.  Her personality is awesome and developing even more.

Gwen's "Firsts": Lots of talking and babbling.  She is more interested in chatting it up than moving.  Who would have thought my daughter would love socializing so much? :) She gets it from her mama!

She has started consistently sleeping through the night and by consistent I mean that I haven't fed her in the middle of the night for 3 days in a row!  I am hoping next month I can officially declare that she sleeps through the night with ease.  Last night she slept from 8:00 to 6:30!  Praise the Lord!

She went to her first music class with Stella.  It was adorable.  Jess and I probably had more fun than they did, but it was great! Gwen could hit her two sticks together when the teacher did.  I think she is a music prodigy.

High of the Month: Her nose scrunching, also known as her stinker face, had been taken to a whole new level this month.  David also calls it "the face that gives Mommy baby fever" face.  So true.  It is so cute!  When we were out shopping, she looked at someone we didn't know and gave them her mischievous grin.  The unfortunate part is that it is near impossible to catch on camera.

Low of the Month: This has been a great month overall, but maybe that Gwen has been constipated?  You know when that is the best I can come up with that it has been a good month!

Something I Learned: The whole reason why with the Ferber method you check on them.  This made all the difference!  We used to just let her wail for as long as needed without checking on her.  We thought she got more mad when we went in and did not want to make the process take longer.  Once a friend explained why the checks work, she started sleeping through the night.  It feels way more loving this way and I understand now that it reassures her that we haven't left her for forever, but it is time to sleep and all she is going to get from us is a quick check.  Cut the crying time down significantly!

Facts for the Month: 

New foods: I let her have a piece of sugar cookie :)
Words: dada, mama, lala... lots of talking!
Teeth: 2 on the bottom!  So cute!
Moving: still staying in one spot!
Weight: Our little 10 month old weighs 14 lbs. Back to the 1st percentile!

And here are your monthly pictures:

The new background on my phone

First time wearing shoes!

Feel free to judge me... I use a shopping cart cover.

Opening Day parade!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh it's crazy how fast she's becoming her own little person!! The scrunchy face is definitely my favorite :)
