Thursday, May 1, 2014

Gwyneth Eden: 11 months

11 months... DANG!  We are so close to a year.  It is amazing how different she looks and acts each month.  Her quirks and funny personality are so fun. In the pictures you will see some of them :)  

Gwen's "Firsts": Taking steps while holding our hands, sleeping through the night consistently, wearing leg warmers.  All kinds of great things!

High of the Month: Gwen's waving.  She waves to people she knows, doesn't know, dogs, cats, inanimate objects... everything!  I get her up from her nap and the first thing she does is wave.  I think she has some what made the connection to when I tell her, "Wave hi!", she normally will wave!  It is super cute.

Low of the Month: Teething.  It just keeps going on and on and on. I am looking forward to a break from it.  She gets very clingy, naps cease to exist, and I lose my mind.  The one has popped through so the end is near!  Hylands teething tablets have been the only thing that seems to make a difference.
Her favorite teething toy: the monitor

Something I Learned: Gwen has had a cough for over a month.  After 2 doctors visits, antibiotics, and allergy medicine, the doctor diagnosed her with bronchiolitis. There is nothing you can do for it and you just have to ride it out.  I am at least happy we know what it is!

Facts for the Month: 

New foods: guacamole, refried beans, greek yogurt
Teeth: 2 on the bottom and 2 more coming in on top
Weight: My dad tried to weigh her on the scale at home and it said 16.2 pounds
Crawling: no
Walking: no

And here are your monthly pictures:

I love her sleepy eyes and mo hawk in this picture

Our new game is playing with a flat ball on the porch.

"Hold on guys, I have to put on my make up first."

Holding on tight with her pinkies.

Keeping the toys contained.

More shopping cart adventures.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so adorable!! The mohawk and the pinkies are too much. I love it!
