Here we go! Monthly updates for Bennett!
With Gwen I did weekly updates for awhile, but since this is the second child and things are slightly more busy, one month updates seem the most manageable. I also fully intend to write his birth story. Once daily naps aren't necessary for my survival I will write it :)
Bennett's "Firsts": There are lots of obvious ones here: breathing air, diaper changes, etc. He also "watched" his first Super Bowl, was held by his great-grandparents, and peed on his own face. Poor little guy.
High of the Month: Our little man coming into the world! It is fun experiencing a newborn the second time around. I Google less, worry less, and have more realistic expectations both for myself and him. When people ask how sleep is, I used to give some dramatic, pity filled response while Gwen was a baby. Now I say, "The norm. Up every 3-4 hours during the night. Could be way worse and it will get better." Not to say it doesn't feel like I got ran over by a truck in the middle of the night, but I am surviving and still experiencing joy.
Low of the Month: Breastfeeding issues. It isn't as bad as things were with Gwen, but I wish it was easier. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel as we approach 6 weeks... it has just been a tough 6 weeks. Lots of clogged ducts (ouch) and lots of pumping. For awhile feeding and pumping sessions would take an hour and half. Now things are down to about 45 minutes to an hour. I learned I have to sleep on my back to avoid clogged ducts for the time being. I don't like it, but I don't like clogged ducts even more so I conceded.
Something I Learned: You guys, changing a baby boy's diaper... goodness. It is NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING like changing a little girl's diaper. They pee everywhere. People warned me and I said, "Pfft. Whatever, you are being dramatic." No they weren't. It is like a fountain that sprays straight up to the ceiling and rains down on everything in a 3 foot radius. He pees on his face and everything else 2 feet past the top of his head. Not even kidding! It is crazy! I think I am finally to the point 5 weeks later where I don't get slightly anxious with each diaper change.
Facts for the Month:
Weight: We find out next Monday!
Size clothes: Newborn
Loves: pacifier, Rock n Play, tummy time
Hates: gas, being poked in the eye by Gwen
Weight: We find out next Monday!
Size clothes: Newborn
Loves: pacifier, Rock n Play, tummy time
Hates: gas, being poked in the eye by Gwen
He is so handsome! Gwen suddenly seems so large.