Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Baby Schuchter: Week 12

Baby Size: Plum

How I Feel about being Pregnant:  Much better!  With my symptoms under control, I can focus more on what life will be like when the baby comes.  This is more fun that the survival mode of getting through eating a meal!  This week feels like a turning point!

Symptoms: Extreme hunger in the mornings, feeling exhausted a lot, and food aversions

Food Cravings: Strawberries, hot dogs (I am ashamed of how many I have consumed)

Food Aversions: Chicken, ground beef

What I am Excited About: Planning our babymoon!  We want to go somewhere for a long weekend in March.  Looking at possibilities yesterday and thinking about where we might want to go is really fun!  It feels a little like planning our honeymoon all over again.

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me: He is constantly making me food.  Usually breakfast because mornings are the hardest time of day for me.  I am dancing in a Christmas show right now and on opening night he brought me beautiful flowers.  Very sweet!

Boy or Girl: I really don't know anymore.  I was so convinced we were having a girl, but now I am wavering   We still don't know if we will find out the gender so we may have to wait awhile!

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Researching where I want to register.  If anyone has any strong opinions on this please let me know :)

Funny Moment:  While dancing in the Christmas show (its called Awaited), at the very end of our piece when going into the pose, my forehead collided with another dancers wrist.  I ended up with a very nice lump on my forehead.  What made it funny is that she did not know I was pregnant until after the causality occurred.  It is now a joke that she hit a pregnant lady.  I am 100% fine and officially with no knot on my head :)

Special Moment:  Last night Shook/David (David is his real name, Shook is his nickname, I use both) and I had a long talk about raising kids and how excited we are.  We are surrounded by awesome families who have been a great example for us.  We can't wait to work as a team in raising our kids!

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