Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 25

Baby Size: Cauliflower.  I bought cauliflower for the first time this week and this might be the first time where I feel like the vegetable/fruit accurately portrays how I feel.  Those things are big!

How I am Feeling: I am hoping this is the last week I will have to write about my face breaking out!  I have not had dairy in 4-5 days and there is a significant difference.  My eyes, forehead, and neck have not broken out in a rash since I stopped anything containing milk.  Yay!!!!  It is not completely cleared up, but I am not complaining!

While most of my face looks almost normal, my lips severely broke out on Saturday.  It hurts to eat, talk, and smile :(  I broke down and went to the doctor's after this going on for a month (yes, I am stubborn).  He agreed that it is probably an allergic reaction.  I was prescribed something that leaves a horrible taste in my mouth (some sort of steroid?) and said to take Claritan or Zyrtec everyday.  My lips do look slightly better today.

The next step is to see an allergist and get tested if things do not improve.  I just hope this dairy issue goes away after I have the baby.  I love cheese and ice cream.  What will I do?! 

Food Cravings/Aversions: Skyline and Arby's fish sandwiches.  Again, I just really want these things.  I have no idea if it has to do with being pregnant.

What I am Excited About: Filling out a baby name March Madness bracket!  I do not pay any attention to sports, but I might this year just to see how our baby names battle it out!  We put our top choices for all the 1 seeds and then ridiculous names or ex-significant others as the 16 seeds.

 It was highly entertaining to rate names we like and also helped us come up with some back up options.  I change my mind often so it would not surprise me at all if we settle on a name and then in the delivery room I tell David that I think we have it all wrong.  We will just have to take the bracket with us!

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me:  Yesterday I had a hard day because I was so exhausted from a lack of sleep due to my lips hurting.  His only day off is on Mondays so normally this is his day to rest and gear up for the week to come.  Even though this is the case, he asked me what he could do to help me that day to make it easier on me.  Things as simple as vacuuming, taking out the garbage, and chopping up carrots for dinner helped me to relax and give me a break.

He was also beyond patient with me while I tried to pick out a new purse at Target.  He even helped me with the pros and cons of different sizes and colors!  Ladies, that is a good man!

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Picked out some more first and middle name options, worked on the baby blanket, and looked into some sewing projects I can work on for the babe!

Funny Moment: Over the past few weeks we have spent a lot of time at US Bank trying to combine bank accounts.  Because of this, I have become friends with one of the ladies who works there.  When I walked in on Friday, she saw me and yelled out, "Hi Momma-to-be!"  I don't think she knows my name, but it is fun having a nick name called out to you when you go into the bank!

Facts for the Week:

Boxes of baby clothes sitting in our hallway: 7
Days left until due date: 99 (so excited about this)
Friends that are due before me: 5 (it was 6)
Days until my first baby shower: 5

Glucose test passed: YES :)
Iron deficiency: Yes :(

Bump Picture: 
25 weeks 6 days!

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