Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 26

Baby Size: Head of lettuce

How I am Feeling: Overall, good!  There aren't any life altering symptoms and I still can get around pretty well!  It is fun being in the stage where I am obviously pregnant.  It is also super fun feeling the baby kick and flip like crazy.  It can get a little uncomfortable sometimes, but I love the little jabs reminding me that he/she is in there.

The medicine for my face the doctor put me on worked wonders this week.  My face was hardly broken out and I finally looked like myself.  The downside is that the medicine was only for a week and I am back to being a spotty, red mess.  To the allergist we go I guess!

I have not eaten dairy in almost 2 weeks, but there must be something else going on for the rash to reappear. Boo!  It is all teaching me to be sacrificial and die to myself for sure.  If this means a healthy baby is born in 13 weeks, I'll take it.

Food Cravings/Aversions: This one is funny.  Other than my usual chocolate cravings which are heightened by my inability to have dairy, I seriously wanted a ho-ho yesterday.  It was all I could think about for a solid 5 minutes.  Darn you dairy!

What I am Excited About: Planning the nursery.  I am constantly on Pinterest figuring out exactly what I want to do.  There are way too many colors combinations I like.  I want it to be simple and no overwhelming themes, but I am indecisive.  Since we cannot paint, this raises my need for creativity.  I want to be crafty and make things to hang on the walls and from the ceiling, but again picking colors is so hard!!!!!

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me: Crossroads is doing a beans and rice fast this week and so David decided last night for dinner that's what we would do.  I had to work late so it was up to him to make dinner.  He is not a beans person so he subbed sweet potatoes in.  It all turned out great!  Go Husband!

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Attending my first baby shower!  It was fun and I felt incredibly blessed by how generous everyone was.  We got a lot of the necessary items so the planner side of me feels very content and more prepared.

Funny Moment: I had a very life like dream yesterday about giving birth and having the baby here.  I went into labor at 27 weeks, but it came on super quick.  My mom had to deliver the baby and we were on a swing set.  Weird.

In the dream I kept forgetting where I last left the baby.  I would set he/she down and then walk away and not remember.  I also was apparently back in school and had to try and nurse in class.

I am very thankful I will not have to give birth on a swing set, I will be more aware of my baby than in the dream, and I won't have to nurse in the middle of class :)

Facts for the Week:

Boxes of baby clothes to sort through: 19 (yep, we are good on clothes)
Days left until due date: 92
Days until 3rd trimester: 1 or 8... depending on if it is 27 or 28 weeks
Trips to the gym: 3!

Question for Moms:  What is your favorite baby carrier that is actually worth the investment?  With having a summer baby I want to take into account the heat factor too.  How long can you use the popular ones for (Moby, Ergo, etc.)?

Bump Picture: 


  1. I had the moby but didn't really like it (neither did a friend of mine). It was so hard to use when I was out of the house because its SOOOO much fabric. I have used a sling from SevenSlings and really liked it, but it was not comfortable for very long. I also had a jeep carrier (, it was ok but also was not comfortable for long. The ergo is by far the BEST carrier I have used. I have heard only great things about it and you can carry up to a 40 lbs (I think) so you can carry a toddler on your back. It is expensive, but worth the money and is actually on sale on amazon right now (

    1. Yay! Thanks! That was what I was curious about if the Ergo was worth the money and it sounds like it is! I love that you can use it when they are little and older.
