Friday, October 31, 2014

Baby Boy: 28 weeks

Third trimester! Last leg of this pregnancy is underway.  Saying I have 12 weeks left sounds like a long time still, but hearing third trimester helps. It also makes me more motivated to get cleaning and organizing because we all know none of that is happening post-January! 

How I am Feeling: I would say average. I have a lot of more pain this time around.  I have had multiple occasions where I am convinced I am in preterm labor.  I was lucky enough to already be 1 cm at 36 weeks with Gwen which I think is part of the reason my induction was so easy, but I wouldn't be surprised if I was more than that at 36 weeks this time.  At least, I better be.  It would be affirming that this pain was productive :) At the doctors today, they probably were laughing at me to themselves when I told them my cervix hurt. Turns out I am not in preterm labor and everything is just fine!

Food Cravings/Aversions: No aversions to the point of nausea. I am not big on ground beef. I can still eat it in things like lasagna, but ground beef tacos don't sound very good. For cravings, I just want carbs all the time.

What I am Excited About: Seeing Gwen with her little brother. She generally likes other babies and doesn't seem to mind much if another kid takes a toy away from her, so I am hoping both those habits stay around! She is in for lots of fun and lots of learning!

Also, I have 2 friends that are 38 weeks pregnant and then many other friends not far behind them. Soon the babies will be coming! Almost every week I find out someone else is pregnant and I love it! Babies, babies, babies!

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me:  Booked our babymoon! To say we got an amazing deal is an understatement.  We essentially got our room for $10 and were given a $50 gift certificate to spend on food, golf, or the spa. He even was willing to let me have the $50 gift certificate (plus some) to get a prenatal massage while he went without. Since we are doing this on a strict budget I decided since we would be buying food anyways we should spend it on food. I love that he was willing to pay up for me to be pampered. I mean really sleeping in and not having to cook is the best gift you can give to a mom so that's enough for me! I'll get a massage when we didn't just buy a house... and an area rug... and an ottoman... and Halloween candy.

Gwen's Reactions: She doesn't get it at all. She rubs my belly a lot and I say "baby" hoping it will eventually make some sort of connection. We have the crib assembled in the other room which she has noticed. She normally just says, "Eh?" and points to it. That's about the extent!

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Lots of Pinterest-ing for his room. We are also trying to get our house in order before he comes. I want all boxes unpacked by January and as many rooms painted as we can. As tired as I am now, it doesn't compare to new baby exhaustion! Now is the time to get it down.

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 78 (under 100!)
Weeks until next ultrasound: 3.5
Pass my glucose test? Yes
Low in iron? No! My spinach salads and cereal consumption have paid off.
Pregnant Halloween costume made? Yes!

Bump Picture: 
Seriously, these pictures could be an ad for how great the iPhone 6 camera is.

28 weeks 5 days with Gwen
28 weeks 5 days with Baby #2

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