Saturday, November 29, 2014

Baby Boy: 32 weeks

The countdown just keeps getting smaller and smaller! We are now in the single digits for how many weeks are left: 8 (well, 7 tomorrow)! That is not very long. I have a feeling that with Christmas insanity I will find myself with 3 weeks left and in a panic. I am starting to realize my dreams of painting 4 more rooms in our house before this boy comes is unrealistic. Maybe next spring/summer that will be a better project! 

How I am Feeling: Really great! For the past couple months, I complained a lot about reoccurring pain, but it seems to have subsided. I am exhausted all the time which is really the only symptom I am experiencing. I sleep like a champ at night. I go to bed early, sleep through the night, sometimes even snore, then wake up when Gwen gets up. I'll take it!

My heartburn is also not nearly as bad as it was with Gwen. Hopefully this doesn't mean our boy will have even less hair than Gwen. I'm not even sure if that is possible!

Food Cravings/Aversions: Nothing new here... I just want coffee and chocolate non-stop. Throughout this pregnancy zucchini has grossed me out.

What I am Excited About: There are so many newborns! A LOT of people I know have gone into labor the past couple weeks. It is fun being able to countdown how many people are left still pregnant and how soon they can be expected to have their babies. It makes me equally excited and nervous at the same time. I think I may only have one friend who is due before me now... that puts things into perspective for how soon this kid will be here!

Isn't it funny how all you want to do is speed the process up through 1st and 2nd trimester, then it hits you that you are bringing a child into the world. My brain then wants some extra time. Not like I have any control over it :) 

Ultrasound Update: On Monday, we had the 32 week ultrasound. They wanted to check on growth, fluid around the kidneys, and a very slight placenta previa. 

I knew that the previa and kidney issues would be corrected. My doctor said I pretty much had a 97% chance of both being completely normal and they were! The fluid around his kidneys was at a normal level and the placenta has moved up. 

The growth scan was the biggest wild card. At this point in pregnancy with Gwen, she was measuring in the 20th percentile requiring an additional ultrasound which ended in being induced 4 weeks early. As long as this baby was above the 20th percentile, no ultrasound would be required at 36 weeks putting as at great odds for having a full term baby. This babe was in the 30th percentile! Yay! No 36 week ultrasound as long as I keep measuring normal. He only weighed I think 2 oz more than Gwen did but apparently that was enough! 

If I had anything influence on things (I don't), I would love as small of a baby as possible without being too small. No one wants to deliver a 10 pound baby and I definitely don't desire another 4 pound baby. The 6-7 range sounds good to me!

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me:  I have to brag on him. This is nothing new that he does, but did you know that he does ALL the dishes in our house? ALL OF THEM! He washes them, dries them, and puts them all away. I only wash a pan when it is dirty, he is at work, and I really want grilled cheese. Other than that scenario, he washes them all, almost every night I might add, and happily does it. If our kitchen looks clean, he is the one to compliment. I can assure you I wasn't the one scrubbing all those pans for an hour.

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Made two baby registries! A lot of this is to organize my own thoughts on what we may need to get with the added bonus of receiving a discount off anything I register for. This is especially helpful for that first time Target trip when you drop $300 after the baby is born.

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 50
Friends who had babies this past week: 2
Number of people who told me I look bigger than 32 weeks: 1
Number of people who told me I look smaller than 32 weeks: 1

Bump Picture: 
32 weeks 6 days with Gwen

Don't mind my bathroom selfie... it is the best I could do! I am 33 weeks tomorrow so I got desperate :)
32 weeks 6 days with #2

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