Monday, October 28, 2013

Gwyneth Eden: 4 months

Gwen is already 4 months old! What?!?!  My little preemie 4 pound baby is getting so big.  She is a super happy girl and we love her so much!  She actually was 4 months on October 1, but this kept getting past me!

Gwen's "Firsts": Rolling over!  This has become pretty fun when I attempt to get her to do tummy time.  She will first start fussing and then just roll over.  Even in the boppy she will attempt to roll over.  She consistently will roll over from belly to back and is dangerously close to rolling over from back to belly!  She also has slept in her crib for the first time!  She does not consistently sleep in her crib, but we are trying!

High of the Month: She is able to interact with us more every day.  It is fun to make her squeal and giggle.  She loves when we sing songs to her, especially, "What Does a Fox Say?"   Probably something about us trying to make ridiculous sounds is highly entertaining for a baby!  Since she is more aware of her surroundings, it is fun watching her interact with objects and people.  If you wear glasses, Gwyneth will instantly be your BFF.  So shiny...

Low of the Month: Gwen's sleep... She has started putting up quite a fight for all naps and bedtime.  We have tried every trick in the book at this point and with no luck.  At first it was encouraging to this, "Oh, its just a phase," but this has been going on for over a month.  Eventually this will get easier!  It will probably get harder at times too.  Oh, babies and sleep :)  Luckily she is cute, so I at least get to snuggle with her in the middle of the night, right?

Something I Learned: There is something called a 4 month regression!  It is amazing to me how much I knew about pregnancy before being pregnant and how little I know about babies.  You don't really need to know much about being pregnant.  As long as you have common sense, you can't mess up being pregnant!  You know, don't get drunk, don't do drugs, etc.  Having a baby on the other hand, there are so many things to think about!  Another thing I learned about is wonder weeks.  All these crazy things I have never heard about!

Facts for the Month: 

Weight: 11 lbs 2 oz
Favorite toy: her fist
Favorite activity: playing on her activity mat
Size clothes: still 3 months

I kept up with taking weekly pictures in her crib, but then one week I changed the crib sheet since she was actually sleeping in there and it didn't match the other pictures.  This bothered me and so I stopped :)  I still have lots of others of her to make up for it.  For her 4 month, I actually do have them all, but 5 month is when they will stop!

P.S.- Blogger would not let me arrange these how I wanted.  Nevertheless, here they are!

13 weeks
14 weeks

15 weeks

16 weeks

17 weeks

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Salsa Verde Chicken Enchiladas

(Instagrammed Enchiladas)

There aren't a ton of meals where I look forward to leftovers the next day.  You know, sometimes they don't heat up well or you just don't want to eat it twice in 24 hours.  These are a total exception.  I looked forward to eating these for leftovers all day.  I wish I was kidding!

I had these grand intentions of taking step by step pics, but Gwen kept needing her pacifier while she was "napping", so I don't have a ton of pictures. 

I got this recipe out of my good ole Betty Crocker Cook Book.  Everything from that thing is marvelous.  I appreciate that most of the recipes are twists on the classic dishes.  I would have never thought to make these with salsa verde (green salsa), but its so good!  Of course, you could make it with regular salsa (the red kind) and I am sure it would still be good!

Oh, I must add that these, according to Betty, are lower calorie.  According to me, probably not because I like way more cheese than her.

Here is the original recipe:

Chicken Enchiladas

Prep: 25 min   Total: 50 min   Servings: 6

1 cup salsa verde
1/4 cup cilantro sprigs
1/4 cup parsley sprigs
1 tablespoon lime juice
2 cloves garlic
2 cups chopped cooked chicken
3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
6 flour tortillas
1 medium lime, cut into wedges

1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.  Spray 11 x 7 inch (2-quart) glass baking dish with cooking spray.

2. Place salsa, cilantro sprigs, parsley sprigs, lime juice, and garlic in blender or food processor.  Cover and blend on high speed about 30 seconds or until smooth.  Reserve half of mixture.

3. Mix remaining sauce mixture, chicken, and 1/4 cup of cheese (or more if you like cheese).  Spoon 1/4 cup chicken mixture onto each tortilla.  Roll tortilla around filling and place seam side down in baking dish.

4.  Pour reserved sauce mixture over enchiladas.  Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup of cheese.  Bake uncovered 20-25 minutes or until hot.  Serve with lime wedges.

There you have it!  Yum!  

For a side, I make rice and guacamole.  

The very first picture shown is make assembled, but not yet cooked enchiladas with mild salsa.  The blender pictures are with hot salsa.  Both were very good, but the hot was HOT.  Probably depends on your preference if you like hot things or not.

Hope you like them!  Enjoy!