Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 31

Baby Size: Pineapple

How I am Feeling: I am starting to get more and more uncomfortable.  Getting up and down from the floor, putting on pants, taking off pants, and bending over in general leaves me out of breath and exerting way more energy than it should.

I also have had an increase of heart burn lately.  It is not terrible, but enough to keep me reaching for the Tums multiple times a day.

Food Cravings/Aversions: I feel the aversions some what coming back.  Chicken is again the culprit.  Other than that, I think my cravings are Skyline and pizza.

What I am Excited About: All of the baby gadgets that are now assembled!  A lot of people say when they find out the gender, feel the baby kick, or see the ultrasound picture things feel more "real".  For us, we both agree that having the swing set up in the living room and the Rock 'n Play sleeper by our bed make it feel real.  Every time I see the baby items lying around it makes me picture that a baby will be in them.  It makes me so excited!!!!!

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me:  Planned a babymoon!  With our days off of work being completely opposite, it looked like this would not be possible.  Luckily, David was off this past weekend so Friday night we stayed in a hotel which included a pool, hot tub (I only put my feet in), and free breakfast.

It was in Hebron which was great.  This made it far enough away from our normal surroundings so we actually felt like we were getting away, but not so far that the drive was draining.  I will not complain about a 30 minute drive!

He planned the whole thing and we had a great time.  We relaxed, ate great food, and had no agenda.

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: I organized all of our baby clothes by sizes and neatly packed them away.  For all of the newborn through 3 month clothes, I washed them and put a lot of them in the dresser.  This baby will have clean clothes!  I also made some bunting last Wednesday for the nursery.  Now I just want to make more!

I still at some point need to clean that room out...

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 57
Days until my next ultrasound: 3
Number of baby showers left: 2
Baby items assembled/taken out of boxes: swing, rock 'n play sleeper, car seat, and stroller
Pre-registered at hospital: Yes!

Bump Picture: 

31 weeks 6 days

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 30

Baby Size: Cucumber

How I am Feeling: Good!  It is fun being very obviously pregnant.  Besides the huffing and puffing that is associated with every moment and mild heartburn, I would say I am doing well.

One funny and embarrassing symptom I have had going on is the horrible combination of a full bladder and allergies.  When I sneeze on a full bladder, I pee my pants.  Its terrible and humbling.  I just make sure to go to the bathroom frequently to avoid the lethal combination.  When my bladder is empty, I am good to go!

Hopefully my TMI bathroom activities can make you feel a little better if you have ever peed your pants as an adult.

Food Cravings/Aversions: No aversions and really no cravings.  I just eat a lot of chocolate and am probably giving myself diabetes.  This Easter candy has got to go!

What I am Excited About: Two of my friends are 37 weeks and will be having their babies soon! Eek!  One of them was feeling a little off over the weekend and had a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions.  She is fine and still pregnant, but it put in perspective that their babies could come at any time.  Sometimes it is easy for me to forgot that the result of pregnancy is a baby.

I am also excited for some nursery craft time with Jess tomorrow!  This is the only way I get any of my projects done.  Bring on the cutting, sewing, and bunting assembly!

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me:  I think my hormones and lack of sleep are making me become more crabby and short tempered .. guess who gets the brunt of this?  He is great about letting things go.

He also makes me laugh all the time.  He is much better than me at having fun and not being so serious about everything.  A little comic relief is needed!  I constantly say that since we have been married I laugh way more every day than I did before.  His sense of humor is AWESOME.

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Researched cloth diapers heavily.  My current plan is to use old fashioned pre-folds, but I need to decide on which covers I want to go for.  I also like the Flip system.  I had a dream about cloth diapering last night which makes me think I need to make a decision and lay off of the research.

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 64
Days until my next ultrasound: 10
Number of dance recitals before due date: 5
Friends that are full term: 2

Tentative name decision: Yes
Will we tell you the name? No :)

Bump Picture: 
30 weeks 6 days

Monday, April 15, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 29

Baby Size: Acorn Squash

How I am Feeling: Ummm... pregnant!  I am feeling significantly more back pain and rib pain when I sit down.  I either sit up super straight to avoid my ribs hurting which in turn makes my back hurt, or I lean forward to take the pressure off my back and my ribs hurt.  Standing is normally the best option!

I painted my toe nails yesterday and this also made me feel more pregnant.  I would get my nail polish ready, lean forward, paint, and come back up for air.  Repeat 9 more times for the rest of toes!  Hopefully they look good for awhile then I can just get one final pedicure :)

Lastly, I am now way more hungry than usual.  On Saturday I probably ate 3 lunches.

Food Cravings/Aversions: Craving of the week is cake.  I think chocolate cake to be exact!  I also read somewhere that dark chocolate could help prevent pre-eclampsia.  Regardless of the validity of the study, I have embraced it fully.

What I am Excited About: Our birth plan!!!! Okay, so its not a plan.  More of a realization of what our focus should be during the birthing process.  I am pretty excited.  I will probably dedicate a separate post to this.

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me: Got me off the hook from making dinner tonight. WOO HOO!  He made dinner and invited friends over which was awesome!  It was nice not being responsible for the cooking.

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Does writing thank yous from one of my showers count as baby prep?  I guess what we will call "developing a birthing mindset" counts as preparation for sure!  Something has got to be done soon with the nursery, but this may have to wait until dance recitals are over!

I will have to post some pictures for cleaning accountability!

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 72
Days until my next ultrasound: 18 (had to reschedule)
Percentage of baby blanket complete: 10%
Baby books checked out from the library: 6
Baby books that will get read before they are overdue: .5
Consecutive weeks that I haven't gained any weight: 5

A non-numerical fact I have learned is that strangers are more likely to talk to you if you are pregnant.  I have had significantly more extended conversations with people at the gym, grocery store, and bank since I started showing.  All of them have been super friendly, nice, caring people.  I love it!

Bump Picture:  For any Highlands Dance Team girls, yes, this is indeed the "Our Coach is a Ben-gal" shirt.
29 weeks 5 days

Friday, April 12, 2013

Learning to Change Systems: Meal Planning, Grocery, Cooking

After doing laundry, running to a doctor's appointment, going to work, coming home, starting dinner immediately, eating, running out the door again, and not getting back home until 9:30, I realized there has to be a better way.

The whole I time I spent prepping dinner I was just bitter and angry that I got no time to even sit down before running to the next place.  I don't mind having a booked schedule; it is the meal prepping and cooking that wears me down. I may be starving when I begin cooking and when I finish, I do not even want to eat. Something about trimming chicken and watching it cook does nothing for me.

To "add insult to injury", I knew the next day was grocery shopping day and I had not meal planned, clipped coupons, or made a list.

This morning while in a better state of mind, I wondered if this was a system problem.  Maybe the problem wasn't the cooking or planning part, but was actually the way I approached it.  Maybe with a different way of doing things, it wouldn't seem so bad.

Right now I grocery shop every two weeks on Friday morning/afternoon.  Before going to the store, I meal plan, clip coupons, and make a list.  These things do not have a set day they get accomplished.  Sometimes I try to work through out the week little by little to get ready for Friday, but most of the time I wake up on Friday and do it all.  This heavily resembles how I approached studying in high school and college as well!

What do you do to stress yourself out less when it comes to meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking dinner?  What does your week look like in these areas?  Do you have specific days and times that go into planning?  How do you make cooking dinner more enjoyable and easier on yourself?

With a baby coming in a couple months, any tips on what helps when you have kids is also great!  I am sure lots of system changes will be occurring then!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 28

Baby Size: Eggplant

How I am Feeling: I still would say overall good!  This past week must have been a growth spurt for the baby because my ribs and back are aching and I haven't felt that before!  There is definitely a butt or head pushing up into my right lung.  When I stand a lot it doesn't bother me, but sitting gets uncomfortable quickly.

My back is also starting to ache potentially from the weird positions I sit in to keep the baby out of my ribs.  It could also be the amount of extra weight I am carrying around in my stomach!

My rashes are definitely improving!  My dermatologist recommended I use Vanicream lotion and soap.  It is AMAZING.  The lotion is thick and definitely takes care of dry skin.  I had been using Cetaphil which contains macadamia nut oil.  The allergist found that I am severely allergic to peanuts and other nuts could potentially be an issue as well.

Food Cravings/Aversions: Pizza :(  I can't have it because of the cheese (dairy) and tomato sauce (tomatoes).  Once this baby is born we are ordering a large pepperoni pizza from La Rosa's to the delivery room... I guess assuming my crazy reactions to these foods is only associated with pregnancy!

What I am Excited About: When this baby is born!  I am getting impatient now.  This is probably because my friends are both due in 4 1/2 weeks so hearing that I have 11 ish weeks to go sounds like an eternity.  I can't wait to meet him/her!

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me: Put up with my tantrum I threw yesterday.  We have found some bugs in our kitchen lately.  Mainly they are around the dishwasher and David thinks they are roaches.  When I opened up the dishwasher and saw one, I flipped out.

Not only did I completely freak out with lots of yelling, I can't let it go.  David couldn't find any today, but I keep Googling where they come from and how to get rid of them.  By them, I mean the 3 we have seen in the past like 2 months.  Regardless, I am still beside myself and avoiding the dishwasher, so poor David has to deal with my avid worrying and the dishes I let pile up in the sink.

Things he didn't know before he married me :)  Thank you for the grace!

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Helped a friend with her twin newborns.  While her husband was at work I went over and helped with the feedings, diapers, etc.  Little did I know, this was great training!  It makes me think that instead of taking classes and reading books about newborns we probably should just hang out with a mom with one.  She needs the help and a break, and I need experience taking care of a baby. Win-win!

If you have a baby and want help, let me know!  Saturday showed me I need the practice because reading blogs about babies and actually taking care of one are two completely different things.

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 79
Doctors appointments this week: 3
Days until my next ultrasound: 17
Impromptu hormonal crying episodes in CVS: 1 (embarrassing)
Crafts for nursery completed: 1 (Tissue Paper Pom Poms)
Friends that are still pregnant: 4
Percentage of baby blanket complete: 8.4375%
Bump Picture: 
28 weeks 5 days

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tissue Paper Flowers

I feel like tissue paper flowers are just one of those crafts that have taken over Pinterest.  Just like lace and burlap or mason jars are very "Pinterest-y", so are these!

The problem I found is that most of the pins don't have a link in how to make them.  I wanted to make a bunch for the nursery as a fun way to add color since we cannot paint.  At the same time, the frugal part of me did not want to spend unnecessary money for something that I could attempt and fail at!

After one of my showers, I collected all of the tissue paper and folded it neatly until I had time to actual make the pom poms.  I have had this idea from the start because I have seen many pins where it can be done for a boy or girl.  

Next, I found a pin that didn't require using a styrofoam ball.  These probably are not expensive at all, but again I didn't want to spend money :) 

I followed the link's directions and they turned out great!

My tips:

-Use flower wire or a twist tie. 
                I tried a pipe cleaner, but the pom pom I used a twist tie for turned out way better.
-You don't need to use the dimensions they stated.
                I used squares for one flower and rectangles for another.
-Be gentle with the fluffing part, but don't stress about it.
                I ripped mine multiple times and they look fine.  Just take your time!

Here is the link for directions!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Allergist Update

Today, I finally got allergy tested!  Since I have had a rash on my face for two months and a rash all over my torso for the past few days, our hope was that this would provide some answers.

When I got there, they asked me a ton of questions about what products I use on my face and hair since most commonly the type of rash I have would be associated with those products.  I completely stumped the allergist when I explained what I use because I have not changed anything recently and everything I use is hypo-allergenic with no fragrances.

I told the doctor that I have found avoiding milk and anything containing milk seems to help.  Since none of my environmental factors or habits seemed to be the cause, they tested for the major food allergies including milk.

They tested 8 different allergens, but only one reacted.  It was no small reaction!  When the doctor came in, he was shocked by the size of the reaction and said normally that means you would have severe anaphylaxis reaction when ingested.  It was peanuts.

I always claimed to be allergic, but most people didn't believe me.  Now I have proof!

I did not react to any of the other tested foods which includes milk.  Interesting, right?

I sort of felt like this was a waste of a trip and money until he started explaining how important it is that I know about this severe of an allergy especially with being pregnant.  He explained that if I were to ingest peanuts while pregnant this would actually increase the baby's risk of allergy because of genetics.  Normally people assume you should expose your unborn baby to stuff while they are in the womb so they don't develop an allergy.  He said this may be true if you are not allergic, but because I severely am it would be a horrible idea.

This is especially true with how many allergies kids have in this upcoming generation and the severity of their reactions.  He said he has seen allergies become increasingly worse so anything I can do to prevent the baby from developing an even worse allergy is best!  

He prescribed me an epi-pen and also to stay away from all tree nuts.  After I deliver, they will do more testing for other nuts, but he did not think it would be the most accurate while I am pregnant and it would be better to wait.

Next, he was also completely confused by the type of rash on my torso.  Since it completely stops at my waist, he did not think it was an allergic reaction.  He also said it is not PUPPS.  PRAISE THE LORD!  I am sorry to anyone who ever has or will have PUPPS.  It looks and sounds horrendous.

I guess he thought my face and torso looked pretty bad because he said I need to see a dermatologist this week and was very serious about it.

When I went to the front desk where the lady was contacting a dermatologist she said the best they could do was the first week of May.  I just scheduled it and went on my way. I am not in much pain and this has been going on so long waiting another month did not seem like a big deal to me.

When I got home, the allergist called me and said he was serious about me getting in this week and that a month was too long to wait.  They miraculously got me in on Thursday!  Woo hoo!

Today I am thankful for doctors that fight for their patients!  Dr. Keitel is awesome!

This is apparently the week for doctors appointments. Allergist today, dermatologist on Thursday, and my OB on Friday.  I am also thankful for insurance :)

He did warn that we could go through all these doctors and the end conclusion be that my hormones are just crazy and there is nothing we can do.  After Friday comes and goes I may just have to accept my fate for the next 12 weeks.

They don't tell you about these types of symptoms before you get pregnant!

What a day!

Baby Schuchter: Week 27

Baby Size: Rutabaga (not sure what this is!)

How I am Feeling: I am hanging in there!  Overall, I feel good! My face is still breaking out with very little answers this week.  Today I got allergy tested and the results were super interesting.  I wrote a separate post about it since it is pretty lengthy!

This past week I developed a rash all over my stomach, chest, and back.  They are little, red, and itchy dots.  Nothing seems to make them better or worse.  I had David look up pictures of pregnancy rashes and see if mine looked similar to any of them.  He said PUPPS looked significantly worse than what I have, which is great that is most likely not the issue.  The allergist also confirmed that I would be feeling way worse if it was PUPPS.

Luckily, I have a doctor's appointment Friday so they can hopefully provide some sort of diagnosis or what will help.  My lovely skin issues!  I guess it is good timing for me to start going every 2 weeks to the doctor since I am having so many issues!

Food Cravings/Aversions: I keep wanting apples.  While I was shopping at Aldi they had a super cheap, huge bag of apples and I passed them up because I didn't think we could eat them all before they went bad.  This was a terrible choice.  Every day since I have said how I wish I could have an apple with every meal.

What I am Excited About: Making nursery crafts!  I am going to try and make bunting for the wall and I have been knitting away at the baby blanket.

I also am excited about baby names!  I have a new name I am super excited about.  We still won't decide for sure until the baby is born, but I love coming up with different combinations.

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me: He looked at nasty pictures of rashes online.  I refused to because I get grossed out by that stuff.  He also has had to rub lotion and hydro-cortisone cream on my back daily to help keep me from itching uncontrollably.  At the same time he is the scratching police.  Anytime I start itching at my face or rash, he calls me out on it.  I most of the time just get mad, but I know he is right :)  I have the tendency of itching until I am bleeding (gross and terrible).

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Sorted through the million boxes of clothes we have!!!!!  It is fun imagining what the baby will look like in them and putting outfits together.  I also got a bunch of books from the library to read about everything baby.

Funny Moment: While I was at at my parents' for Easter, I was putting away all the leftovers in containers. I was using the same type of container for all of it so it would stack easily in their fridge.  Someone asked which leftovers I would like to take and I explained I already boxed up my stuff and put it away.  When my mom opened the fridge and saw the 6 or 7 matching containers, she thought that's what I claimed as mine.  It was not, but everyone thought it was the pregnant lady's attempt at taking all the leftovers home!  Only 3 of them were mine :)

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 85
Boxes of clothes sorted: 8
Nursery colors picked: YES
Weeks until 2 friends' due dates: 5 ish!!!!!!!!!!!!

Question for Moms:  What was the thing that helped you the most with nursing?  Are the classes helpful or not worth it?  You can send me a message or email if it TMI for the general public :)

Bump Picture: I guess my shirt is a little shorter than I thought!  Maybe I should give up my non-maternity shirts!
27 weeks 6 days