Tuesday, August 20, 2013

1 week of Cloth Diapers

Imagine Prefold with a Snappi

Alright, guys!  We have officially made it a little over a week of cloth diapering!

Let me just say, those first few days I kept thinking, "Oh no.  What have I gotten myself into?"

It is intimidating at first.  How do I wash them?  What if they leak?  Did I pick the right detergent? What if I hate this?  Will my husband kill me if I just spent all this money and want to just use disposables?

As of right now, I don't hate it.  I also don't love it.  I am somewhere in the middle.

Here is a little summary of things:

What I like about cloth is...

-Rarely having to buy disposables (we use them at night for now)
-Saving money
-Fun colors and patterns
-Superiority of holding in explosive poop

What I don't like about cloth is...

-Extra laundry... lots of extra laundry
-Stress of making sure I am doing it right
-Stains on my pretty diapers

Things I am still figuring out are...

-Which detergent really is the best
-Best way to put on the prefold
-Which covers of mine leak and which don't
-Which type of cloth diaper I like the best
-Is it cute for babies to have an abnormally large, puffy butt

More updates to come!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Gwyneth Eden: Weeks 9 & 10

These weeks are just flying by!  I feel like by the time I post one update the next one needs to be posted!  Gwen is getting bigger by the second and more of her personality is showing.  I think I can actually differentiate cries now!  Or I can at least do this with a little more accuracy!  Sometime she throws in a new cry I have never heard which throws off the system, but I would say I can figure it out 80% of the time!

Gwen's "Firsts": She went to her first Younglife club :)  She may have slept through the whole thing, but she was there!

Funny Moment:  Gwen poops a lot.  This means I have to smell it a lot.  I don't really understand why people think breastfed babies' poop doesn't smell because it does.  Want to know what it smells like? Popcorn.  I realized that's what the familiar smell was, so I Googled it to figure out if anyone else had this realization.  Yep, other people's babies' poop smells like buttery popcorn as well.  Don't be fooled though, it in no way smells pleasant.

High of the Week: We had a really good weekend as a family together.  David was off work so we got to do all kinds of fun things!  I got to go out for a girls night with out kids, we all went to the conservatory, and then David and I went to Sunlight pool!  

Low of the Week: I can't think of anything!  Woo hoo!

Something I Learned: I realized I don't understand the sizing of children's clothes.  First, I thought size 0-3 months bridged the gap between newborn and 3 month.  Nope they are the same.  This also goes for 3-6 months and 6 months.  Second, I didn't realize the typically kids grow out of 3 month clothes when they hit 3 months.  I though you started wearing 3 month clothes at 3 months, 6 at 6, etc.  For Gwen obviously all that is off, but for the "normal" babies that is kind of how it goes.

Facts for the Week(s): 

Days past when I meant to post this: 6
Size clothes Gwen is wearing: 3 months
Weight: 9 1/2 lbs (ish)
Gwen's favorite activity: Sleeping in the ergo

9 weeks
10 weeks

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Unplugging is Hard

This week I decided to take a break from Facebook and Instagram. A friend of mine is doing this so I figured, why not? I haven't unplugged for awhile... and it shows.

Thanks for the idea, Lauren!

I made a category for my Facebook and Instagram apps a few pages over on my phone titled, "Do not Open." I thought by adding the extra swipes maybe it would give my brain time to say, "Stop!"

Turns out avoiding social media is hard. I have added Pinterest and soon Vine to my "Do not Open" category.  I found I was just replacing my Facebook and Instagram time with other distractions. Maybe social media isn't the problem. Maybe it is something deeper.

I keep wanting to just see how many notifications I have. What if someone sent me a message? Did anyone like my cloth diaper blog post? For real. This is what my brain does.

I don't know what the "cure" is, but it's obvious Facebook isn't the culprit.

I think I look to get some sort of validation from people liking what I post on social media. I even get excited when people repin my pins on Pinterest. Haha! Like I was the one who came up with those recipes that I will never ever make, but hey, they think I have good taste!

I am only 3 or 4 days in. I don't remember if I started Saturday or Sunday!  I want to just end my unplugging and get back to posting pictures and stalking my Facebook friends. What else are you supposed to do at 3:00 a.m. when you are up with a baby?  Crazy what taking a break from these mindless things will show.

Give it a try. See what happens!

P.s. yes, I am posting this to Facebook but only because I can do it from Blogger :) I did not get on Facebook to do this and I did not check if I got any likes or comments on this post :)

Monday, August 5, 2013

My Diaper Stash

My original plan with cloth diapers was to begin immediately after arriving home from the hospital .  I wanted to throw myself into things so I would not know any different.

Well, Gwen arriving early threw us off a bit :)

I am simply cloth diapering because it saves a ton of money.  The diapers we purchased I chose because they are known for their longevity (multiple kids) and least amount of sizes (less time you have to buy the next size).

I am happy to say though that we should be cloth diapering within a week!  That is the goal!  I am currently waiting on 2 dozen prefolds and my wet bags.  Once those are here, I just have to prep them all and we will be done with disposables!

I am trying A LOT of different diapers.  Partially because a lot were given to me and partially because I think cloth diapering is addictive and I just want to try every diaper in sight.  Thank goodness a lot of them were gifts!

Here is a run through of all my cloth diapers.  Obviously, I have not used any of them, so in the future I will come back to them and give my review.

1. Charlie Banana: One Size Pocket Diaper

This diaper we purchased at Target.  It was on sale for only $8!  Super cheap.  It is one size which I love because it fits from 8 lbs until potty training.  It is so cute and soft!  I can't wait to try it.

2. Thirsties Duo All in One: Size 1

These diapers were a baby shower gift from David's aunt that cloth diapers.  I love them!  These are all in one diapers so you put them on and take them off just like a disposable... except way cuter.  Thirsties Duo diapers come in two sizes.  This is the first size which goes up to 18 lbs.

3. Prorap Covers: Size Small

These diapers were a gift from a friend who cloth diapered.  I have 10 of them!!!  They fit from 9-14 lbs.  I am excited to try these with prefolds because I think I will be able to get a really good fit with them. 

4.  Bummis Super Whisper Wrap: Size Small

These were also a gift from my cloth diapering friend!  How can you not love that frog print?  These will fit from 8 lbs. to 15 lbs.  I have heard amazing things about these covers.  I will also be using these with prefolds.

5. DiDee Snug Prefit: Size Small

 I actually have never heard of this brand and therefore, know nothing about it!  I know this part goes on the baby's butt and then I put a cover over it.  We will just have to try it and see!  I have two of these.

6. Fuzzibunz Pocket Diaper: Size Small

Yes, these also were a gift passed down from my friend.  Fuzzibunz is one of the most well known types of cloth diapers and gets fabulous reviews.  I love that one of them is super girly!  I only have the pocket diaper for these, but no inserts so I will most likely be stuffing them with prefolds.

7. Snuggle Hugs: Size Small

Gift from my awesome friend.  I have never heard of these and could not find out much from the internet.  The ones with fish on them make me wonder if they could be a swim diaper cover.  They also snap the opposite direction that most diapers do.  I will give them a try a try and see how it goes!

 8. Flip 

I have been dreaming about these diapers ever since I started looking into cloth diapers.  These are one size diapers and are so easy to use.  You either lay a Flip insert or prefold into the cover and off you go!  The biggest thing I love about them is that while you need to wash the insert each time, as long as the cover does not have poop on it you can reuse it.  I have 5 of these beauties. I was able to get the covers without inserts for $7 each from a Seconds sale.

9. BumGenius 4.0

These are the other diapers I have been googly-eyed over from the start.  These are all in one, one sized diapers.  Like the Flips, they did not come with inserts, but I got them super cheap.  I have 10 :)  My plan is to again just use prefolds to stuff them.

10. Imagine "Smart Fit" Prefolds

These have been ordered, but not yet come in.  I ordered 2 dozen of these.  I hear that they are amazing so I am excited about them!  I love that we can use them for so many things.

That is my diaper collection... so far :)  Stay tuned for how cloth diapering start out!  Hopefully my detergent comes in this week so I can get washing!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Gwyneth Eden: Weeks 7 & 8

Gwen's "Firsts": First time in an Ergo!  She loves it!  She stays asleep the entire time she is in it.  She also wore a headband for the first time and it was the most precious thing I have ever seen.

Funny Moment: David can get her to smile consistently!  I love watching him making smiley, goofy faces at her and she LOVES it.  She grins so big and will keep smiling until he stops talking and smiling at her.  I just sit there and laugh watching them go back and forth.  It is too cute.

High of the Week: We are officially breastfeeding!!!!! For the time being I feed her and then must pump, but I am slowly trying to get rid of the pumping part.  I am still very dependent on the Boppy and she is not the most efficient nurser, but I am happy to be working towards when it will be easy.  That is assuming it does get easy!

Low of the Week: These weeks were pretty good! Maybe we are finally getting the hang of this parenting thing. My low is simply that she is growing out of her newborn clothes :( I am so sad about it! My little tiny baby is getting big! I know I will just continue to love her more and more as she gets bigger but a part of me will miss this part of things.

Something I Learned: This confused me. I went to Target to buy some diapers. I had planned on buying another pack of newborns, but when I got there I quickly changed my mind. For Target brand, you got 36 newborn diapers for $6.99. For the size one Target brand, you got 50 for $6.99!!! 14 more diapers for the same price, hence why she moved up a size. Even the size 2 diapers had more in a pack than newborns. You won't fool this girl, Target!

Facts for the Week(s): 

Gwen's weight: 8 lbs 11oz
Size diapers: 1
Gwen's length: 21 inches
Number of Zumba classes taken: 2
How sore am I from Zumba: SO SORE

7 weeks
8 weeks