Monday, March 30, 2015

Bennett Peter: 3 months

We reached the 3 month mark! 3 months is such a milestone. Babies get more interactive, I am generally getting more sleep, and there is a little bit more confidence. It seems weird that he was only born 3 months ago. I think back on when it was just Gwen and realize one kid was a lot easier than 2 kids. Ha! The buckling two kids in car seats kills me. So many buckles! I am going to chose not to think about what it is like with 3 kids, 4 kids, etc. We are going to get through this having 2 kids thing first! Bennett is an awesome baby. He is content, smiley, and easy. I'll take it!

Bennett's "Firsts": Cooing, reacting to being tickled (I think), getting shots, sitting in the Bumbo and hanging out in Kids Club!

High of the Month: He is so smiley! All you have to do is talk in a high pitched voice and smile at him and he will grin away. It is adorable and makes the harder stuff a lot easier. I like to believe he is thinking, "Thanks Mom for feeding me endlessly. Oh, and thanks for protecting me from Gwen poking my eyes out!"

Low of the Month: Hhhhmmm. I can't think of much. He really is pretty chill. He got his shots. I guess that is a low!

Eating: He eats about every 3 hours during the day. Overnight, he only eats once! Woo hoo! Only 9 more months of breastfeeding! It is a lot harder to be motivated the second time around! He spits up significantly after every feeding just like his sister. This is why he has a bib on in every picture.

Sleeping: He naps after every feeding and seems like he generally can stay awake for an hour before passing out. I am not worrying about a schedule though. He goes to bed around 9:00 or 9:30, wakes up around 4 or 5 then goes back to bed for 3-4 hours.

Facts for the Month: 

Loves: activity mat, boppy, people smiling at him
Hates: Still when Gwen steals his pacifier, being hungry

Here are the monthly pics:

His head bobbles slightly but is getting the hang of it!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Bennett Peter: 2 months

I have been a mom of two for two months. What?! I was thinking the other day about how Bennett will be eating solids someday and sit at the table with us and quickly realized that is only in 4 months, not 6 months anymore! Time is flying. According to Google, he can even start using the Bumbo in a month.

For the record, I still might Google things just as often this time around as I did with Gwen. Even though I have already had a newborn, who remembers how you did things? You are too sleep deprived. I literally have no idea when I am supposed to really put him down for naps. I have no idea when babies roll over. It is so bad! I guess I should read my blog posts I wrote for Gwen...

Bennett's "Firsts": First sick visit (nothing major). First time "sleeping through the night" a.k.a. 6 hours. He potentially really smiled at us for the first time and not just one of those sleepy grins. He also has worn cloth diapers for the first time.

High of the Month: Sleep! He sleeps so much better than Gwen did. He even did a 7 hour stretch one night. Most of the time is it a 5-6 hour stretch followed by a 3-4 hour stretch. What I think is so funny is that I am doing all the things you shouldn't do and he sleeps really well. With Gwen, I did everything by the book and she didn't sleep well. Babies do what babies want to do.

Low of the Month: He has a flat spot on the right side of his side. Gwen had one too but I never remember noticing it. We noticed his and it makes me sad to see it. He just favors that side of his head, but it still makes you think all those things like,"This is my fault" "His flat spot means I am a bad mom". Boo! Part of the mom guilt. I wish I could hold him more, but I can't binge watch "Cake Boss" and hold him like I did when Gwen was a newborn. We are trying to do more tummy time and position him on his side while he is awake to keep it from getting worse.

Something I Learned: You can have a cold come out your eyes. Bennett had gunk in his eyes and would wake up with his eyes completely sealed shut. When I called the doctor to see if we should come in or not, they thought it could be pink eye so we did. Turns out his runny nose and congestion was a cold and the mucous was coming out his eyes. Yuck. He got some eye drops and all is well!

Facts for the Month: 

Weight: 9 lbs. 4 oz.
Size clothes: 3 month
Loves: sleeping on the right side of his head
Hates: Zantac, Gwen stealing his pacifier

Here are the monthly pics:

Tummy time on the kitchen floor
Cross eyed baby

Sharing Dad

I will never understand how babies sleep the way they do.