Friday, June 20, 2014

Gwyneth Eden: 12 months

Gwen is 1 year old! It has been a busy month!  You can tell things are clicking in her little mind.  She makes new connections every day leaving me looking at David and saying, "Did she really just do that?"  It is hard believing we have a 1 year old now, but also hard to remember back to when she was 4 lbs.  Crazy how much will change in a year!

Gwen's "Firsts": Saying words that sound something like goalie or girly.  We have no idea what she says but it is super cute.  She FINALLY has learned some sign language.  Her favorite is signing "milk" and "all done".  We started teaching her "all done" so maybe it would cut down on her getting bored and covering our floor with food.... it doesn't work.  She also maybe understands what no means.  When she bites or starts gnawing on my phone I tell her no and then she shakes her head.  Maybe she doesn't get it but I like that she shakes her head :)

She also devoured a cupcake at her birthday party.  She licked off all the icing, flipped it over, and ate the cake. I was hoping she wouldn't eat any of it.
High of the Month: SLEEP.  I never thought the day would come that I would proclaim sleep as the high of our month.  She is a sleeping champ now.  She normally will sleep 11-12 hours overnight without waking up and then sleeps 3-4 hours during the day for naps.  Yesterday she took 2 two hour naps and it was heavenly.  Only took us a year to get here!

Low of the Month: EATING.  Someone told me awhile ago that with kids you will always be having either a sleeping or eating problem or both. Yep.  We get sleep under control and eating progressively is going down the drain.  She will eat yogurt, applesauce, cheese, eggs, and sometimes green beans or peas.  The only thing we have going for us is that I have a large supply of frozen milk still so that is the main part of her diet.  I am hoping she snaps out of her pickiness before the milk runs out!

Facts for the Month: 

Teeth: 6!
Weight: 16 lbs. 8 oz (1%)
Length: 27.5 in.
Moving: She can army crawl really well!
Favorite activity: Walking while holding our hands
Least favorite activity: Mom or Dad setting her down

And here are your monthly pictures:

At Ault Park with friends!

Learning to drive

This picture is too funny not to share.  First Reds game and looking photogenic :)

She kept on eating like it was nothing.

The cupcakes for Gwen's party since she loves cats so much

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