Thursday, June 13, 2013

Birth Story of Gwyneth Eden: Part 3

10 cm!  What?!  We were told that once you reach 5 cm, it is normally a centimeter an hour.  This would have put us at 3:00 am, not 10:45 pm!

That was the reason I was in pain.  She was moving down and in ready position!

Katie sat me up and to allow for the baby to drop even lower and prepare to push.  The cart of delivery tools and who knows what else was wheeled in and set up.  I chose to not look at this cart.  Seeing scalpels and weird looking birthing instruments would not be beneficial!

Shortly after, Dr. Choi and at least 5 other nurses came in.  At this time it was around 11:30 pm.  I had no idea what to expect for the pushing portion of delivery.  Some women I knew pushed for hours while others could have simply coughed and their baby would have flew out.  An oxygen mask was put on my face to help me breathe.  This actually just freaked me out and it kept sliding into my eye.  I would have breathed much more effectively without it!

It was then time to push and meet our baby girl!

I was instructed in how to push and breathe.  I could not focus and figure out what they wanted me to do.  Do you take a deep breath and then hold it and push?  Do exhale while pushing?  How do you hold your breathe for that long and have the energy to push?

These were all the things running through my mind, but could not ask.  They were telling me to push so I just went with it!  The first couple pushes were not effective at all.  With lots of people giving me directions,  I could not figure it  Dr. Choi then said the baby's heart rate was dropping and they would use a vacuum to get her out as soon as possible.

That was all I needed!  You tell me my baby's heart rate is dropping and I will figure out this pushing thing real fast!  Two more pushes with the assist of the vacuum and the baby was out!

At 11:52 pm on May 31, Gwyneth Eden came into the world. 

For arriving 4 weeks early, doctors have been astonished by how well she has been doing.  She spent no time in the NICU.  She is just a small baby!  We are so in love with this little girl!

Birth Story of Gwyneth Eden: Part 1
Birth Story of Gwyneth Eden: Part 2


  1. AHHH! I just love a good birth story! :)So fun and sweet!

  2. Thanks for posting!! Praise God that she is so healthy and spent no time in the NICU!
