Saturday, June 15, 2013

Gwyneth Eden: Weeks 1 and 2

Phew! I can't believe this little girl has been here for 2 weeks already! She is such a sweetheart.

I thought I would have more time for blogging and writing updates, but it turns out a newborn, especially a preterm newborn, requires some time! Hopefully once we get out bearings things like writing can happen more often.

Gwen's "Firsts": Well, she had had her first time doing a lot of things like crying, having breast milk, getting her diaper changed.  Some of my favorites are the first time I heard her hiccup and sneeze. Adorable. 

Funny Moment: David left to go do laundry. It was my first time taking care of Gwyneth by myself. I noticed her diaper was dirty so I prepared to change her. Well, I found out the hard way this girl has projectile poop. A poop covered arm, stained carpet, and 4 diapers later, we tackled that poopy diaper. Good thing I was able to laugh or else there may have been a melt down.

High of the Week: Other than her being born, bringing her home was amazing. To be in our own territory and learn how to take care of her in our space was so freeing. We didn't have certain standards to try and meet. We could sleep in our own bed, have significantly more space, and best of all, no one was checking on us 24/7. We love having our sweet girl home!

Low of the Week: Learning how to breastfeeding a preterm baby. As if breastfeeding wasn't hard enough, having a baby a month early adds significantly more challenges. Currently I am not able to and must pump then give her a bottle. It is exhausting and frustrating to say the least. I hope that in a couple weeks we can try and give breastfeeding a chance. If I am honest, I feel like I am missing out. I know for right now I am doing the best thing I can for her, but it is still hard for me to accept.

Parenting Lesson: Always have the next diaper ready. I have been told this and didn't listen. Lesson learned.

Something I Learned about Newborns: They make a TON of noise. Sometimes she grunts without ceasing for hours. Sometimes she hiccups. Sometimes she sounds like a cat. This girl is always making noise... Especially between 12:00 am and 4:00 am :)

Facts for the Week(s): 
Gwyneth's Birth Weight: 4.4 oz
Days in Hospital: 5
Days until David is Back at Work: 3 :(
Total Weight Gwen has Gained: 7 oz
Google Searches Containing the Word "Grunting": infinite

1 week
2 weeks

1 comment:

  1. I know, pumping is the worst sometimes! But there really are things I liked better about pumping than breastfeeding. And my friend Katie was really helpful in reminding me that breastfeeding isn't a biblical issue or even a moral issue...its only a preference :) Praying for you friend. I pumped for 9 months so let me know if you have any questions!
