Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 15

Baby Size: Naval Orange (basically a regular orange)

How I Feel about being Pregnant: Pretty good!  I had my first cup of coffee at home today since I have been pregnant, so really, I feel good about everything!

Symptoms: Really bad headaches.  I have had constant headaches for over a week.  Bring on the Tylenol!  I will take this any day over feeling nauseous and helpless like I did in the early weeks!

Food Cravings: Plain yogurt with crushed up Oreos.  During lunch one day, I was eating with the family I work for and all the kids were eating yogurt.  I had a flash back to childhood of eating yogurt with Oreos and that is all I wanted.

Food Aversions: Chicken and ground beef... this goes away at some point right?

What I am Excited About: Trying to guess what the gender is.  The doctor told me this past week my baby's heartbeat was 144.  Immediately I looked up what this meant.  Guess what the first website said?  Under 140 means boy, over 150 means girl.... not helpful!  I know this isn't fool-proof anyway, but it's fun!

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me:  Besides his usual of giving 150% while I give about 20%, this week he has been great hearing out my crazy pregnancy ideas, cravings, and dreams.  He never says one word about some of the things I buy at the grocery store (many times there are numerous impulsive buys).  He supports anything I am relentlessly researching, and reassures me that no one is going to sneak into our apartment and kill me (reoccurring crazy pregnancy dreams).

Boy or Girl: Boy.  I am pretty highly convinced of this one now.  See how fickle I am?

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Some serious research on cloth diapering.  I know many people do it for the environment, but honestly I don't care about that too much.  Call me cold-hearted and I honestly probably should care more, but I have many other motivations behind wanting to cloth diaper.

How about how much money you save?  Even with not having our own washer and dryer, we will save tons.  Plus, I can use them for kids in the future which makes our investment even more worth it.  My friend, Shelley, gave me a newborn cloth diaper and its adorable.  I would totally just use disposables if we had that much flexibility in our budget, and while we could maybe make it work, I know that we can with cloth diapers.

So if you have cloth diapering experience, please tell me everything you know.  Especially because I am considering hand-washing them.  Gross, right?

And for the record, I have no judgement either way about cloth diapers vs. disposables.  I just want to save some money.  I probably will use a combination of both anyway!

Funny Moment:  Shook and I have been watching "Friday Night Lights" and in the episode we were watching something pretty crazy happens.  I won't tell you too much so this won't be a spoiler alert, but someone dies.  Shook said something about how big of a deal that was and my only response was, "I think I need to go buy spinach and maybe some fruit cups."  The joys of pregnancy and food!

Special Moment: Tomorrow I will be 16 weeks and I told the kids that I watch how at 16 weeks the baby can hear your voice.  I actually told them this a week ago and they still remembered!  Before I left for the day, the two oldest kids kept saying, "Hi baby!", "Can you hear me?", and "How are you baby?"  Very cute!


  1. I too looked into cloth diapers, we decided against it but here is the link to the 2 blog posts I did about them. One of them has LOTS of comments from others about what they liked. Good luck!


  2. there was that one impulse buy that i questioned... the 3 dollar lufa... :)

  3. apparently drinking orange juice and then lying down flat on your back might induce some baby stretches that you'll feel... I didn't feel anything until the day before my ultrasound and even then I wasn't convinced that it was baby movement. I think it usually picks up around 18 weeks but don't be concerned if you don't feel anything up to 22!
