Monday, January 29, 2018

Baby Shook #3: 7 weeks

Baby Schuchter #3 is officially happening! I had more time on my hands than I knew what to do with while pregnant with Gwen so I could actually write regularly about my pregnancy. With Bennett, I barely blogged, and this time we will see what happens! This is really more for me because I love rereading my posts to find out how this experience compares with past pregnancies.

Baby Size: Blueberry

How I Feel about being Pregnant: Happy! I feel like a new mom in so many ways because I haven't been pregnant in 3 years.

Symptoms: So hungry all the time. I eat full meals and am ready for another full meal an hour later. I thought this was new to this pregnancy until I read my 7 week update with Gwen and I said the same thing. I also am very tired. My face physically hurts I'm so tired! I never nap, but the other day I fell asleep on the couch and woke to hear our social worker pounding on the door. Yep, I forgot she was coming, our house was a disaster, and it smelled like old garbage that needed to be taken out. Welcome to my home!

Food Cravings: Waffles, potatoes, and breakfast sandwiches.

Food Aversions: Pesto. When I was 5 weeks along we all got a stomach virus. The last thing I had eaten was a pizza with pesto sauce. I usually love pesto, but I want nothing to do with anything including basil.

What I am Excited About: Telling our families at Christmas! They will know by the time this is published, but we got a super cute onesie made to surprise them. We will wrap it up for them to open. I really hope its an actual surprise, though I'm currently reading into their every look and comment to see if they found out our secret.

Sweet Thing My Husband did for Me: He changed 7 poopy diapers today. SEVEN.

Boy or Girl: Team Pink!

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: I'm being a real grown up and have a pill box to remember my prenatal vitamins. Don't be too impressed but this time they are an actual pill and not gummy vitamins.

Funny Moment: When Gwen told my dad she wants us to have another Schuchter baby... cue fumbling over my words and awkward laughing.

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