Sunday, March 4, 2018

Baby Shook #3: 17 weeks

Baby Size: Pear

How I Feel about being Pregnant: Love it so far! This has been my easiest pregnancy and I really can't believe I am almost half way. Really, if you compare to my other pregnancies this is about half way! I will be 18 weeks tomorrow and Gwen was born at 36 weeks.

Symptoms: Eczema. We have reached the stage where I am asked daily why my eyes are red and if I had been crying. It is not as bad as things were with Gwen, but only because I know a lot of the tricks now. 

I still have some random nausea. It is not every day, but a few times a week.

Food Cravings: Bagel with cream cheese! Guys, being gluten free and dairy free while pregnant is not fun! I might cave one day and splurge on $10 gluten free bagels with vegan cream cheese. 

Food Aversions: Not any obvious ones! Sometimes guacamole doesn't sound good, though I average eating an avocado a day so it must be more of a texture thing!

What I am Excited About: I go for my 20 week ultrasound 2 weeks from tomorrow! I have to wait to find out the gender until our gender reveal party which is 3 weeks from today! Things have just flown by.

Sweet Thing My Husband did for Me: He let me get out of bedtime tonight because I said I was feeling nauseous! I will always take that!

Boy or Girl: Girl. This is exactly why I need to find out the gender because there isn't a doubt in my mind it is a girl. We even have 3 girl names picked out, but no boy names.

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: I really need to reread my blog posts from when I was pregnant with Gwen because I have done nothing to prepare and I am wondering if I am supposed to be doing something? We did say we need to potty train Bennett and finally take away the pacifier. Only 18-20 weeks left to do both! Pray for us.

Funny Moment: I went to a baby shower for a friend having a girl. There were tons of balloons leftover so we took them for the kids to play with. We were at Crossroads and I had them sitting in the hallway. Everyone thought it was some sort of announcement that we were having a girl! 

I actually have a bump picture! Maybe I will take more "formal" pictures, but for now all you get is a dressing room pic from trying on a dress in the Bargain Hunt dressing room. The dress was $2 and you better believe I bought it for that price.

Baby Shook #3: 7 weeks
Baby Shook #3: 8 weeks
Baby Shook #3: 13 weeks
Baby Shook #3: 14 weeks

1 comment:

  1. 1. Sry i was one of those ppl that asked abt the red face yesterday! Oh and also asked abt the girl balloons.
    2. You look fabulous!
    3. Is it sad that i thought that was bargain hunts dressing room?!?! #breastfeedingmom
