Friday, December 28, 2012

Baby Schuchter: Week 13/14

Baby Size: Peach/Lemon

How I Feel about being Pregnant: Way, way, way more excited about it now!  Since I am feeling better and slightly showing, I am getting excited about bringing another human being into the world.  The holidays only added to my growing excitement level since it made me think about what Christmas will be like next year. 

Symptoms: Still mild food aversions, head aches, and an urgency to eat right away in the morning

Food Cravings: Not really craving too much.  I still enjoy some great deep fried french fries though :)

Food Aversions: Chicken and ground beef

What I am Excited About: My friends finding out what they are having!  Also, I am excited about coming up with ideas for the baby's room.

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me:  For Christmas this year, I had no idea what he was getting me.  We opened presents on Christmas Eve, and he had written me a 4 page letter.  Not only was it 4 pages, but it was hand written.  This is a big deal!  It showed me how well he knows me.  Receiving gifts does not always make me feel the most loved.  Knowing that he created something sentimental to encourage me and demonstrate his love for me made me feel incredibly loved.

He also went to the gym with me today and did not complain about it!

Boy or Girl: Now I think boy.  Really it is only because Shook can convince me of anything and I am super fickle.  Two of my friends are having girls and for some reason I think that decreases our likely hood of a girl.

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Coming up with ideas for our nursery!  I love forest animals for a good gender neutral theme.  There is also a special place in my heart for squirrels and knowing I could decorate my child's room with them fills me with joy.  Who doesn't love cartoon-like animals?

Funny Moment:  I may have mentioned this before, but since getting pregnant I cannot sneeze more than once or I make an extremely weird sound.  It basically sounds like I am throwing up, but its more of a cough.  I was cleaning up the explosion of presents that occurred from Christmas and was caught up in a sneezing fit.  Shook quickly turned around and expected to see me throwing up.  Nope.  Just sneezing.

Special Moment:  Hearing what two of my friends are having was very special.  It is fun to know more about their babies and makes me excited about our own.  While we are most likely not going to find out, I love going through this season of life with the majority of my friends and experiencing the same preparation and anticipation as them.

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