Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 19

Baby Size: Mango

How I Feel about being Pregnant: Good again!  I definitely have a real baby bump so I can confidently wear tighter fitting shirts to show it off!

Symptoms: No nosebleeds, no nausea!  My hip has started acting very funny when I sleep though.  When I lay on either side my left hip starts tingling as if it is falling asleep, but then it gets painful.  The only true relief is laying on my back.  The pillow in between the knees trick has also been helpful.  The weird things being pregnant causes!

Food Cravings: Applesauce.  I had one little cup of it and now I just keep wanting it.  I am not even sure I like it!

Food Aversions: Chicken... It doesn't help I watched the vegan documentary, "Vegucated".  Now any sort of meat or dairy slightly grosses me out.  Add that to the list of things not to watch while pregnant!

What I am Excited About: WE FIND OUT WHAT WE ARE HAVING IN 3 DAYS.  3!  I will tell you ahead of time though, we will probably not announce it on here or Facebook for a little while, if at all.  I know, I also hate when people do this.  We haven't decided how many people we will tell.  We will for sure not tell names, but you have a chance of knowing the gender!  Especially if you see me in person and ask because I can't keep a secret or lie.

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me: I don't think I have wrote about this before, but here is a little fun fact for you.  I was against taking weekly pictures of my bump.  It was David that convinced/asked/made me do them, and I am super thankful for it!  I am sure I will appreciate it more with the next pregnancy as a way to compare.  He knew it was something I would care about later and is willing to put up with my whining every Tuesday to accomplish the task. Thank you!

He also cleaned a ton yesterday on his only day off.  Thank you again!

Boy or Girl: I give up and have no idea.  I keep having dreams it is a boy, but I have also brainwashed myself it is a boy.  I will say most people think it is a boy, except all of my little dancers.  They think it is a girl or twins.

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Catie and I went to Once Upon a Child to scope things out.  Yay for cheap clothes!  We are looking for something small to put by our bed for the baby to sleep in until he/she begins sleeping better.  We have a Pack 'n Play with a bassinet, but I think our room is too small to fit it.  Good news is a bassinet will fit and Once Upon a Child and Craig's List have plenty.  Or if you have one that you want to get rid of let me know!

Funny Moment:  We were watching TV and the baby was kicking or flipping like crazy.  All of a sudden he/she must have kicked really hard and it made me jump because it caught me so off guard.  Apparently our baby will be a really tough little boy or girl!

Special Moment: David felt the baby move!  With all of those karate moves going on, it is no wonder he could!

I will leave you with this bump picture.  Technically it is from week 18, but we take my pictures on Tuesday nights and I normally blog Tuesday mornings.


  1. So cute and so tiny! And you do not look like Mrs. Claus! :)

  2. Looking good Momma!! I had the sleeping issues hit around the same time too. Now I sleep with a barricade of pillows around me because I'm too cheap to buy a body pillow or pregnancy wedge haha You know how it is :)
