Monday, April 15, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 29

Baby Size: Acorn Squash

How I am Feeling: Ummm... pregnant!  I am feeling significantly more back pain and rib pain when I sit down.  I either sit up super straight to avoid my ribs hurting which in turn makes my back hurt, or I lean forward to take the pressure off my back and my ribs hurt.  Standing is normally the best option!

I painted my toe nails yesterday and this also made me feel more pregnant.  I would get my nail polish ready, lean forward, paint, and come back up for air.  Repeat 9 more times for the rest of toes!  Hopefully they look good for awhile then I can just get one final pedicure :)

Lastly, I am now way more hungry than usual.  On Saturday I probably ate 3 lunches.

Food Cravings/Aversions: Craving of the week is cake.  I think chocolate cake to be exact!  I also read somewhere that dark chocolate could help prevent pre-eclampsia.  Regardless of the validity of the study, I have embraced it fully.

What I am Excited About: Our birth plan!!!! Okay, so its not a plan.  More of a realization of what our focus should be during the birthing process.  I am pretty excited.  I will probably dedicate a separate post to this.

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me: Got me off the hook from making dinner tonight. WOO HOO!  He made dinner and invited friends over which was awesome!  It was nice not being responsible for the cooking.

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Does writing thank yous from one of my showers count as baby prep?  I guess what we will call "developing a birthing mindset" counts as preparation for sure!  Something has got to be done soon with the nursery, but this may have to wait until dance recitals are over!

I will have to post some pictures for cleaning accountability!

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 72
Days until my next ultrasound: 18 (had to reschedule)
Percentage of baby blanket complete: 10%
Baby books checked out from the library: 6
Baby books that will get read before they are overdue: .5
Consecutive weeks that I haven't gained any weight: 5

A non-numerical fact I have learned is that strangers are more likely to talk to you if you are pregnant.  I have had significantly more extended conversations with people at the gym, grocery store, and bank since I started showing.  All of them have been super friendly, nice, caring people.  I love it!

Bump Picture:  For any Highlands Dance Team girls, yes, this is indeed the "Our Coach is a Ben-gal" shirt.
29 weeks 5 days