Monday, April 8, 2013

Baby Schuchter: Week 28

Baby Size: Eggplant

How I am Feeling: I still would say overall good!  This past week must have been a growth spurt for the baby because my ribs and back are aching and I haven't felt that before!  There is definitely a butt or head pushing up into my right lung.  When I stand a lot it doesn't bother me, but sitting gets uncomfortable quickly.

My back is also starting to ache potentially from the weird positions I sit in to keep the baby out of my ribs.  It could also be the amount of extra weight I am carrying around in my stomach!

My rashes are definitely improving!  My dermatologist recommended I use Vanicream lotion and soap.  It is AMAZING.  The lotion is thick and definitely takes care of dry skin.  I had been using Cetaphil which contains macadamia nut oil.  The allergist found that I am severely allergic to peanuts and other nuts could potentially be an issue as well.

Food Cravings/Aversions: Pizza :(  I can't have it because of the cheese (dairy) and tomato sauce (tomatoes).  Once this baby is born we are ordering a large pepperoni pizza from La Rosa's to the delivery room... I guess assuming my crazy reactions to these foods is only associated with pregnancy!

What I am Excited About: When this baby is born!  I am getting impatient now.  This is probably because my friends are both due in 4 1/2 weeks so hearing that I have 11 ish weeks to go sounds like an eternity.  I can't wait to meet him/her!

Sweet Thing the Husband did for Me: Put up with my tantrum I threw yesterday.  We have found some bugs in our kitchen lately.  Mainly they are around the dishwasher and David thinks they are roaches.  When I opened up the dishwasher and saw one, I flipped out.

Not only did I completely freak out with lots of yelling, I can't let it go.  David couldn't find any today, but I keep Googling where they come from and how to get rid of them.  By them, I mean the 3 we have seen in the past like 2 months.  Regardless, I am still beside myself and avoiding the dishwasher, so poor David has to deal with my avid worrying and the dishes I let pile up in the sink.

Things he didn't know before he married me :)  Thank you for the grace!

Something I have Done to Prepare for the Baby: Helped a friend with her twin newborns.  While her husband was at work I went over and helped with the feedings, diapers, etc.  Little did I know, this was great training!  It makes me think that instead of taking classes and reading books about newborns we probably should just hang out with a mom with one.  She needs the help and a break, and I need experience taking care of a baby. Win-win!

If you have a baby and want help, let me know!  Saturday showed me I need the practice because reading blogs about babies and actually taking care of one are two completely different things.

Facts for the Week:

Days left until due date: 79
Doctors appointments this week: 3
Days until my next ultrasound: 17
Impromptu hormonal crying episodes in CVS: 1 (embarrassing)
Crafts for nursery completed: 1 (Tissue Paper Pom Poms)
Friends that are still pregnant: 4
Percentage of baby blanket complete: 8.4375%
Bump Picture: 
28 weeks 5 days

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